Jussie Smollett is walking free after being completely let off the hook by the State Attorney and it makes no sense whatsoever.
Now everyone is furious that this has happened including the Chicago Police Department and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel.
The Police even went so far as to release the case files to the public. Take a look at the files below.
CPD releases Jussie Smollet… by on Scribd
CPD releases Jussie Smollet… by on Scribd
According to The Daily Wire,
There are several items in CPD’s investigative files that have not appeared in prior reporting, including that, by late January, just days after Smollett reported the incident to Chicago Police, the police had shifted their investigation, reclassifying it from an “aggravated battery” to a “public peace violation” or false police report.
By January 31st, it appears that CPD detectives had requested surveillance footage from buildings surrounding Smollett’s residence, and had determined that it was likely Smollett had either orchestrated or fabricated the “hate crime” initially reported to police.
The files also catalog CPD’s interactions with the now-infamous Osundairo brothers — the two men Smollett allegedly hired to help him carry out the attack. CPD interviewed the Osundairo brothers several times, connecting the pair to the scene of the crime through a hot sauce bottle that one brother admitted he had filled with bleach, and then poured on Smollett during the attack.
All the evidence showed that Jussie Smollett staged this “attack” on himself.
Even State Attorney Foxx (the lady who let Smollett off) said on Wednesday, “Based on the facts and the evidence that was presented in the charging decision that was made by this office, this office believed that they could prove him guilty.”
Then why’d you let him go?
Maybe some type of privilege?
Dirty Chicago politics?
Now it looks like the FBI is getting involved in the matter. There is definitely something shady going on and I have a pretty good feeling it’s going to come to light very soon.
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