Elizabeth Warren has finally dropped out of the Primary, evening the playing field for Sanders and Biden. Warren apparently doesn’t feel like she was to blame for her poor showing, she instead has found a different scapegoat, Sexism. Warren claims that the real reason that she lost the primary is because America is still sexist against women.
CBS News tweeted about her stance.
“Warren on sexism in the 2020 race: “That is the trap question for every woman. If you say yeah, there was sexism in this race, everyone says, ‘Whiner.’ And if you say no, there was no sexism, about a bazillion women think, ‘What planet do you live on?'”
Warren on sexism in the 2020 race: "That is the trap question for every woman. If you say yeah, there was sexism in this race, everyone says, 'Whiner.' And if you say no, there was no sexism, about a bazillion women think, 'What planet do you live on?'" https://t.co/7eG9ZYlQsW pic.twitter.com/zMy5ohtbgd
— CBS News (@CBSNews) March 5, 2020
“I wonder what your message would be to the women and girls who feel like, ‘We’re left with two white men to decide between’?” the reporter inquired, presumably in reference to the leading Democratic candidates, U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and former Vice President Joe Biden.
“I know,” Warren responded before getting a bit choked up. “One of the hardest parts of this is all those pinky promises, and all those little girls who are gonna have to wait four more years. That’s gonna be hard.”
“There is, however, evidence that sexism was not Warren’s problem, but rather a general and widespread unpopularity across demographics — including women.
Warren not only lost her home state of Massachusetts, which is embarrassing enough for an allegedly serious presidential contender, but in her home state she also lost the female vote to former Vice President Joe Biden.
According to Massachusetts exit polls, Biden beat her by 10 points with women. Sanders beat her by 7 points with “very liberal” voters and by 14 points with voters who support Medicare for All. And the former college professor lost college-educated voters by 5 points to Biden.
It’s always someone else’s fault when a Dems fails to win an election. Warren was just Bernie Sanders light with heritage issues. It was cringe-worthy to watch her bash the police, as she claimed her white privilege had saved her from being treated harshly, despite the fact that she has only been identifying as white for a few years. I think voters gave her the message loud and clear, Good Riddance.
Oh my goodness. No, Americans will elect a woman, if she’s qualified. The operative word here is “qualified”. You’d have to be really stupid to think sexism was responsible for her not being elected – the woman is totally UN-qualified to even be in Congress! She represents everything anti-Americans do – Treason against the country, hatred for the country and anti-American policies designed to overthrow the Constitution. No, being a woman had nothing to do with voters rejecting her. The fact that even women chose Biden against her, the guy who sniffs children’s hair, should be a wake-up call that she offered nothing to women.
Warren is the definition of a dumb asshole
Wasn’t because Warren was a woman, she lied and couldn’t be trusted not to mention her platform sucked. Well, all of those running for the Democratic nomination are nothing but a wrecking crew for tearing our country apart. Anyone with common sence, logic, and 2 brain cells that work could see that. Biden was the lesser of 2 evils and that certainly doesn’t say much. Total insanity!
Maybe the cause was that her economic plan …well just sucked.
Or that her forgiveness of tuition debt for people who didn’t want to pay them back and have taxpayers pay for their ineptness….just sucked…
Or her tax plan ..well just sucked
Or that she lied about her ethnic background and profited by fraud on her claims of being a Native American..just sucked
Or that as a fraud NA she profited from selling a book called “Pow wow Chow” …that sucked
Or that she lied about her teaching career ending because she was pregnant, and it was found that she lied….that sucked
Or that she taught ONE class a year at Harvard for 300,000 bucks…that sucked
Or that she wore only three outfits (2 pantsuits and a sweater and slacks) her whole campaign…that sucked
Or that she constantly whined about anything and everything…that sucked
Or that she lied about being energy conscious while taking private jets…that sucked
Or that the only match she had with voters was her face and their asses…that didn’t suck
BS! Warren is NOT a victim of sexism, She is a victim of her own lying, hypocritical, unethical history and it finally caught up with her.
These treasonous hypocrite libs(lying sack of Schiff) don’t know the meaning of the truth! They are at it again and just as mentally deranged as the rest of the Globalists NAZI Muslim Commie Liberal Demoncrats! Deep State, Pelosi, Waters, Schumer, Hollywood, Academia, Fake News, Swamp News and you know the rest!! Expose, Boycott, Sue, prosecute and bring to justice all these lying Fake News deep state treasonous Godless NAZI commie liberal demoncrats and RINOs (Mutt Romney, Susan Collins, Lindsey Grahams ,Murkowski, Justice Roberts, Bolton and you know the rest of the traitors) post-haste,Patriots! Drain the rat infested swamp President Trump!
Sorry Warren, you only have yourself to blame with your lies and bogus videos. That video where are “enjoying” a beer is your kitchen was especially cheesy. Face it Lizzy, your lies sunk your campaign, not sexism, not racism, Trust was the major issue, and after all you lies, that was unobtainable.
So, Warren is claiming that Democrat Voters are SEXIST…… because THEY are the ones that did NOT choose her in the Democrat Primary …
If Fauxahauntus thinks things are against her …. she should try being an older white male for a little while.