[UNBELIEVABLE] The Great Florida Trifecta That Led To A Woman Being Being Arrested

Oh, where, oh, where, do I begin with this one.

I swear you can’t make this stuff up, but it is often the case that reality is sometimes stranger than fiction.

A man was driving down the road in Florida recently with a female companion.

The man then ran through a red light and a police officer proceeded to pull over the vehicle.

This is where things start to get weird.

According to a

St. Lucie County news report,

Deputies in St. Lucie County saw a Ford F-150 run a red light on May 14. But when investigators pulled the driver over, they learned this was no ordinary case.

First, it took the driver a while to pull over.

Then, a deputy approached the passenger-side window where he saw a woman sitting with a partially empty bottle of beer between her legs and a glass pipe on the floor, WPEC reported.

Also on the floor lay three white rocks, which were determined to be crack cocaine.

Finally, the driver admitted he ran the red light, but said he couldn’t pull over immediately because the passenger was performing a sexual deed.

Deputies gave him a citation, but they weren’t so lenient with his companion.

Authorities identified her as 55-year-old Rhonda Koppenhoefer.

Jail records show she faces three felony charges for possession of cocaine, possession of drug equipment and destroying or tampering with evidence.

So the woman was giving the man oral sex, and she was in possession of crack cocaine with an open container. We’re calling this the Florida Trifecta. It’s not really something to be proud of; it’s rather disgraceful if I say so myself.

Did you catch the part where the man didn’t pull over right away? I’m sure he wasn’t in the best position to pull over for such an event as this

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