UNBELIEVABLE! Judge Rules Jewish Woman’s Killer Not Responsible Because He Smoked Weed

A Muslim man in Paris, France who killed 65-year-old Sarah Halimi has been not responsible for her death by a French judge.

The man, Kobili Traore allegedly recited verses from the Qur’an, shouted: “I’ve killed the Shaitan!” (which means devil), and threw her from a third-story window to her death.

This is a pure act of anti-Semitism and should be classified as a hate crime, yet it’s going to go unpunished.

According to The Times of Israel,

A Muslim man who killed his Jewish neighbor in Paris while shouting about Allah is probably not criminally responsible for his actions because he had smoked marijuana beforehand, a French judge ruled.

The preliminary ruling in the trial of Kobili Traore for the 2017 murder of Sarah Halimi came Friday from a judge of inquiry — a magistrate that in the French justice system is tasked with deciding whether indicted defendants should in fact stand trial.

Francis Khalifat, the president of the CRIF umbrella group of French Jewish communities, called the ruling “unsurprising but hardly justifiable.” He said his group and others will appeal in hopes of bringing Traore to trial. This man should definitely look for a local criminal defense lawyer and get the punishment he deserves for a murder.

So what do they plan on doing with this hateful criminal Muslim man?

Well, it all depends. He could be hospitalized for treatment of his “psychotic lapses” or he may be ordered to attend a drug rehabilitation program, or he could just be released.

The Independent reports,

Several psychiatric evaluations conducted after the killing found Traore was in a state of “acute delirium” provoked by his excessive use of cannabis, the paper said.

Traore claimed to smoke up to 15 joints a day.

While the three psychiatric assessments agreed Traore does not suffer from mental illness, they disagreed on whether he was completely responsible for his actions.

The judge also dismissed the “aggravating circumstance of the antisemitic character” of the murder, Le Figaro reported, citing a source close to the case.

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