Trump’s Surgeon General Nominee Under Fire from Conservatives as ‘Disqualifying’ Past Comments Come to Light

To say the least, President-elect Donald Trump has earned the benefit of all doubts.

On the other hand, millions of MAGA supporters broke from Trump on nearly all things COVID-related, and they should not hesitate to do so again when their beloved president-elect, whom they rightly respect and adore, makes a head-scratching decision seemingly at odds with their interests and values.

A 2022 Fox News interview in which Surgeon General nominee Dr. Janette Nesheiwat made controversial comments about transgender ideology resurfaced this week on the social media platform X, prompting at least one X user to characterize the comments as “disqualifying.”

Indeed, clips from the interview generated additional outrage from conservatives already opposed to Nesheiwat’s nomination.

Scarlett Johnson of the pro-women, pro-children, and pro-parent “Moms for Liberty” grassroots organization posted one such clip.

In the clip, Nesheiwat first described gender transition as “not without risk” then endorsed the broader ideology.

“No matter what gender your child identifies, accept them and love them for who they are,” Nesheiwat said in 2022.

In an accompanying post, Johnson denounced Nesheiwat as “not one of us.”

Chloe Cole, a former “trans” kid who, as she wrote in the New York Post, detransitioned at age 16, called Nesheiwat’s comments “disqualifying.”

Transgenderism, Cole added, amounts to “a mental illness that should never be ‘affirmed.’”

Meanwhile, in a separate clip from the same interview, Nesheiwat pushed additional transgender-related lies.

First, she described gender dysphoria as a “disconnect” between how troubled adolescents feel and “what a doctor assigned them as a gender at birth,” as if doctors arbitrarily identify newborn babies as male or female.

Moments later, she claimed that “transgender adolescents” experience “a very high suicidal rate” that makes them “almost eight times more likely to commit suicide,” she said, “than their cisgender peers.”

“Suicidal”? Perhaps. But “almost eight times more likely to commit suicide”? Nonsense.

According to the City Journal, ACLU attorney Chase Strangio admitted last week during oral arguments before the Supreme Court that “no evidence” exists to suggest that gender-affirming “treatment reduces completed suicide,” which Strangio characterized as “rare.” The attorney did insist, however, upon a reduction in “suicidality” following such treatment.

In any event, Nesheiwat’s use of the word “cisgender” alone should disqualify her.

Needless to say, these resurfaced clips will do the Surgeon General nominee no favors.

After all, conservatives already opposed her due to her association with everything evil about the COVID regime.

Nesheiwat endorsed lockdowns, masks, and social distancing.

She also promoted the so-called COVID “vaccine” and applauded Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg for his COVID-related censorship.

On the whole, Trump’s supporters have greeted his nominations with enthusiasm.

Nesheiwat’s nomination, however, must not stand.


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  • Just what we need – another mainstream medical robot. I hope she gets dumped, but I don’t suppose we’ll be so lucky.

  • WOW!!! All these Mental Ill comments against a Physician that clearly sees the issue(s) with Transgenderism!!! And all of you making these comments need to understand, that the schools and some peers are having a massive influence on your children to become something they’re not!!! Have there been a mental exam done on them first and foremost?! Probably not!!!

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