Transgendered Deer-Person Flaunts Her Ability To Censor People Online

captured from video

This is how you know that the P.C. movement has gone too far this person has not only transitioned over to a female. Now she is identifying as a trans-deer person. So identifying as a different sex was not enough, now people are going to be animals as well…  Steph Loehr, also known as FerociouslySteph is clearly not living by any societal norms. But for some reason the management over at Twitch felt that meant she was perfect to be a moderator… So Loehr will be able to censor whatever she feels is offensive… I imagine Twitch is going to get boring real quick.

Twitch is a video live streaming service operated by Twitch Interactive, a subsidiary of Amazon.” So a place where gamers stream themselves playing video games while adding their own commentary.

Loehr had the following to say about her moderator job.

“I’m not going anywhere. I have power, they can’t take it away from me. And honestly there are some people that should be afraid of me, and they are because I represent moderation and diversity and I’m gonna come for harmful people. If you’re a really sh**ty person – I’m gonna stand up against you. Period. And Twitch is endorsing me to do that.”

Watch The Clips Below.

After Loehr was appointed to Twitch’s safety council, the mainstream media immediately rushed to his defense, claiming that questioning his neutrality represented a “harassment campaign.”

As the Ralph Retort highlights, Loehr’s ascension to becoming a Twitch moderator was almost certainly helped along the way by the ADL.

“The promotion actually goes back almost two years. This isn’t something that just happened out of the blue. The ADL has been working overtime to get its hooks into gaming. Too much money and influence on the table for them to ignore!”

These are the kind of people who now have the power to control free speech online.

From a broader perspective, these are the kind of people being handed power over society.

And we wonder why we’re in such a mess.”

This seems ridiculous on Twitch’s part. Why would you hire someone that is a social oddity? Loehr is clearly not going to have a common perspective on things. I can only imagine the list of things that Loehr finds offensive. Perhaps any hunting game…

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25 thoughts on “Transgendered Deer-Person Flaunts Her Ability To Censor People Online”
    1. Only of its either sex season. If this idiot doesn’t know what sex he is then how are we supposed to know it?

    2. Would you waste either your License or the Round?

      Remember, in most States, if you shoot it, you dress it out and take care of the meat to ensure it remains edible.

      IT is certainly NOT ‘trophy’ material….

    3. My thoughts exactly. It’s our duty as Hunting Conservationalists to take the weak and diseased members out first. This doe/buck/with has definitely got Cervine Spongiform Encephalopathy going on, and it’s transmissible, so to be safe it needs put down. 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  1. Poor thing, hasn’t a clue of what sex they are and thinks being a moderator gives power. When no one but the confused idiots are using twitch who will she moderate? Oh yeah, the trans people who now know there is no such thing as a trans sex. You are the sex you were born as period.

    1. I treat “Political Correctness” in the same way I treat any other self-contained oxymoron. Here are a few examples of what I mean:
      Recoilless Rifles…Aren’t.
      Friendly Fire…Isn’t.
      Bulletproof Clothing…Isn’t (you just need bigger, badder bullets).
      Politically Correct…Isn’t.

  2. We were worried about a shortage of ventilators. We should be more worried about a shortage of straight jackets.

  3. This is what you call 1st World white girl problems. Her life is so good. She has to make stuff up. Because her friends that may have real issues get all the attention. And like a spoiled child she is throwing her tantrum. Too bad her daddy did not love her too much. She would be happy and contented if he had.

  4. Obviously a sick Lady who thinks she has “power”? I feel for her when she finds out that she doesn’t have power over anyone but herself.

    1. More accurately, she only has power that other people *give to her* which would be mostly those who follow her on social media.

  5. IT did not like being a male, so IT claimed to be female and her world was good…

    Then Human was no longer acceptable, so IT became a Deer, and the world became better still.

    Then IT noticed that some Deer had pretty headwear, and IT wanted that they would be a wonderful adornment..

    NOW IT BECOMES Intriguing… to say the least…

    Only MALE DEER have Antlers, so IT is back to being a male…
    During the RUT, the males collect as many females to his ‘Harem’ as he can CONTROL.
    Older and BIGGER Antlers mean more unrestrained BREEDING until the end of the RUT, then the antlers fall off.

    IT’s world is now WHIRLED and IT does not have a clue….

  6. This is what happens when you take G-d out of the equation. A young man is pretending to be a female and a deer. When moral values are trampled, misguided youth have no basis to lead normal lives.

  7. These video services, like Twitch, are a magnet for the demented. These people are sick and they take to these videos to show their power over us , and use it to accuse, bully, character assassinate, name call, slander, smear and demonize others as they mimic the hateful demonRAT party mafia and their mainstream media mob as they incite this hateful behavior. It’s their claim to fame when it goes viral on their worshiped Twitter, Facebook, and all the other forms of social media. They will never see how demented they are, because a mental case cannot comprehend how sick they are. The demonRATS divide us with racism and hate, as they convince us that good is bad, and convince us that bad is good. And, the only ones who don’t believe the demonRATs are those who actually have the ability to think for themselves and know the difference between a lie and the truth. And there are those who believe everything that the demonRATs tell them, and do what they are told to do.

    When a man says he’s a woman and the demonRAT’s acknowledges him as a she, it’s not just the man who is sick, the demonRAT party is just as sick, and their politically correct weapon against us is forcing us to be as sick as they are.

  8. Does a member of an animal (non-human) species accorded all of the same Rights as they apply to humans? No, most Rights under Natural Law are specific according to how that species lives within Nature & Natural Law.
    Does a deer (or any other animal species) have a Human Citizen’s Right to Vote? No, but I’ll bet she’s registered to vote as a Democrat.

    Let that sink in…

  9. She, and I don’t CARE how SHE identifies, doesn’t even realize that her entire statement AND job as a censor are direct attacks on diversity.

  10. If trans people want you to treat them as what they SAY they are not what they biologically are, those that identify as animals should be treated as that animal not what they biologically are, then HUNTING SEASON?

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