Tim Allen Triggers Liberals By Speaking At The Emmys and It Is EPIC!

Actor Tim Allen was recently on stage during the Emmys and it completely triggered Democrats everywhere.

What is it exactly that the Dems had a problem with? Well in part it’s because Tim Allen is a conservative in Hollywood and nowadays that’s practically illegal in Hollywood.

But while Allen was up on stage, he found it the perfect opportunity to fire a shot at the left for demanding that his popular tv sitcom, “Last Man Standing” be canceled.

“Thank you all very much. Nice to be here. Nice room. Kind of a surprise, I was in the middle of shooting this last season of ‘Last Man Standing’ coming up.

And apparently the powers that be gave us a call. Turned out Meryl Streep, Pacino, and the lovely Helen Mirren just didn’t have the acting chops to handle the segment I’m about to handle.

“They said, ‘who better than a comedian to talk seriously about the integrity of the Emmy vote counting.’

Which is why let’s take a moment to recognize the total professionalism from the accountants at Ernst & young. Ladies and gentlemen, the accountants. Andy Zale, Paul Chin, and thingamajig.

Thingamajig is actually not an accountant, it’s the CEO of Ernst & young. That you very much, see you on television.”

Watch Allen trigger liberals below:


Take a look at some of the comments from triggered Twitter users:

Kind of insane that Tim Allen is still invited to things @GerrickKennedy

Oh, cool, there’s anti-Hollywood person Tim Allen presenting at the … #Emmys. 🙄 – goldengateblond


remember that Tim Allen is a piece of shit #Emmys

… I bet the Emmys invited him to appeal to MAGA shitheads – KaiseratCB

I see Tim Allen is trending. Liberal tears are abundant tonight! 🥤 #DrinkUp – theflyby66


Folks, this is what tolerance looks like from the left.

Photo Credit: Mark Ridley’s Comedy Castle

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