They Kicked An 800 Pound Man Out Of The Hospital After What The Saw Him Doing In Bed….

Everything is solved by pizza… Unless you’re this man in his 30s trying to save his life by dieting, you’re not alone if you’ve been feeling helpless and like your life is going downhill.

The tale of this hospital patient who was expelled and in need of help will serve as a reminder that life can surprise us in unforeseen ways. Everyone is entitled to a second chance to make up for previous mistakes. But what if you lose your one opportunity?

Meet Steven Assanti, a 33-year-old from Providence who weighs 778 pounds. This man was addicted to eating and was trying to change his life by enrolling in a specific weight-loss program.

Assanti was taken to the Rhode Island Hospital with the goal of losing weight and gaining 550 pounds. He sought recovery in the hospital for roughly four months in order to eventually undergo a gastric bypass. This plan was developed in an effort to save his life because, at his weight, he was in danger of coronary heart disease, stroke, and cardiovascular mortality.

And over the past few months there, he had managed to lose 20 pounds.

“I just love to eat … It’s an addiction, and I realize that. And it’s a disease,” he said.

Food addictions operate in a manner similar to other addictions. The brain’s pleasure centers are stimulated by foods high in fat, sugar, salt, or artificial sweeteners, which also cause the release of “feel-good” neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin. The upshot is that the brain grows more and more addicted to it.

Even though he was making modest but steady progress toward recovery, one poor choice could completely alter his course.

Steven Assanti chose to reward himself for his achievements while he was still a patient in the hospital. Because of the strides he had previously taken in achieving his goal, he believed he deserved a “cheat meal.” He placed a delivery order for a pizza for Rhode Island Hospital for himself.

But it wasn’t covered by his medical plan.

Assanti was expelled from a hospital in Rhode Island after it was discovered that he had ordered pizza and claimed he was not dedicated to his weight loss goal. He later joined the cast of “My 600-lb Life” after being expelled from his hospital bed in 2015. Although it was a difficult process with cheat meals, temper tantrums, and even a painkiller addiction, he eventually underwent weight loss surgery.

He now boasts of being in a relationship. In 2018, he published the following on Facebook two weeks after Valentine’s Day:

“Good morning friends and to the best girlfriend in the world Stephanie Sanger. I love you baby with my soul n heart. I want everyone to continue to know you’re the reason why I look forward to my future, our future and I hope it grows bigger, you’re the best baby real talk. Keepin’ ten toes down fellas. Have a good day!”

It looks like Assanti didn’t throw away his life for a slice of pizza after all!

Watch the video report below for more details:

Source: AWM


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