They Are About To Begin Trials On A New Medical Device That Will Save 100,000 People A Year…

Just for days…this is what the new innovation of brain implants has to offer that could potentially save hundreds of thousands of patients.

According to reports, researchers at Stanford Medicine developed a new brain implant device that uses infrared light to activate nanoparticles to kill brain tumors. The treatment will only last for 15 minutes over a 15-day consecutive period.

This device is implanted between the skin and the scalp and raises the temperature to 40 degrees Fahrenheit, which the scientist said is enough to kill cancer cells without harming the surrounding brain tissue.

The technique of using heat, called photothermal treatment, is already being used to treat tumors but has only been made possible during surgery.

The implant has been tested on mice with brain tumors and those treated with the technology lived three times longer than animals that did not receive the implant. After mice with brain implants were treated for 15 minutes daily for 15 consecutive days, their conditions improved and they no longer needed surgery.

According to a Daily Mail report, Mice whose brains were infused with the technology “had a survival of up to three times longer than animals that did not receive the implant.”

“The team fitted the brain implant with star-shaped gold nanoparticles and a small antenna to convert electrical signals to infrared light, which activate the nanoparticles to generate heat – and this can all be performed remotely,” the publication notes. “The researchers envision that their device, when adapted to human patients, could be used for in-home treatment in addition to surgery, chemotherapy or radiation, without adding to the burden of hospital visits or interrupting their normal lives.”

More details of this recent milestone in the Medical field from The Gateway Pundit reports:

The team of researchers claims the nanoparticles remained at the tumor site and did not damage surrounding tissue and contends the mice who received brain implants were unfazed when the nanoparticles were activated.

Additionally, the scientists assert the brain implants lengthen the lifespan of mice who underwent the procedure, doubling and tripling the rodents’ survival rate. The team has, however, yet to determine whether the technology will extend the lifespan of other species.

Wavelight and heating mechanisms can be modified to target tumors of various sizes and locations in the brain. The team of researchers is primarily focusing on treating glioblastoma, an aggressive type of cancer that typically requires open-skull surgery to treat, chemotherapy, and is often incurable

Co-author of the study Hamed Arami, Ph.D. maintains that brain implants are more effective than chemotherapy and cause less detrimental side effects.

“The nanoparticles help us target the treatment to only the tumor, so the effects will be relatively less compared with chemotherapy and radiation,” Arami said in a statement. ”The structure and dosage of the nanoparticles are calibrated to generate just the right amount of heat.”

Mice who received brain implants and underwent chemotherapy live the longest, the researchers contend.

Sources: TheGatewayPundit, DailyMail, MSM

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