The BLM protesters have their sights set on tearing down numerous historical statues that are a reminder of the past. For the most part, they are after civil war generals but it seems they are moving past that and now have their sights on more well-known targets like Christopher Columbus, Abraham Lincoln, and in Britain’s Winston Churchill. Whereas I can see why they want to destroy anything that has to do with the confederacy, since they believe the civil war was solely fought over slavery (which is untrue), it is baffling why they would go after Columbus, Churchill, and especially Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln signed the proclamation of emancipation the very document that gave slaves freedom…
It seems that these protesters just don’t understand our history or know who these people are. A British activist was asked how she feels about tearing down a Winston Churchill statue and she said she would have to research him to find out who he is… He is a big part of why the British are not speaking German right now, he was the prime minister during World War II and an anti-fascist. But apparently that kind of information is not common knowledge when it comes to activists.
Host Cathy Newman asked activist Lorraine Jones how she felt about the tearing down of a Churchill statue and this what Jones had to say.
“Should the statue of Churchill be there or not?” Newman asked.
“I’ve heard many arguments on both sides; some say that he’s a racist some say that he’s a hero,” said Jones. “I haven’t personally met him, but what I would say is that that question of whether he should remain should be put to the community.”
Again, Churchill died in 1965, a fact Newman neglected to tell Jones.
The host then asked the activist what her specific thoughts on Churchill were. “What would you say though if you were asked about the statue of Churchill?”
“Well, I’m going to be honest, I haven’t done a lot of history work with Churchill, but if I was to do that and it will be based on my findings,” Jones admitted.”
Watch The Clip Below.
WATCH AND CRINGE: How stupid is the liberal leader of an 'independent police advisory group' in London?
She was asked about removing the Churchill Statue… Her response… "I haven't personally met him."
— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) June 14, 2020
This is almost as bad as an American protester wanting to take down Abraham Lincoln. These activists need to get back to school and maybe they should take a few history courses as they obviously have no idea how our country came to be as it is today. At this rate, I would not be surprised if activists start attacking historical statues or murals of MLK…
All these activists need a good and hard spank until they cry Uncle.
I’d really recommend something much more severe.
It isn’t about history nor about black lives mattering. If it was the blacks killing blacks in Chicago would of ended years ago if the gang members had targets on their backs like the police do. This is all about playing the victim and acting like rabid animals. Please do not say these rioters and protesters are out there over Floyd’s murder because it isn’t the reason. They are nothing more than criminals who are taking advantage of the death of one man to justify their killing of over 20 blacks and their looting, destruction and burning of cities because they are too lazy to make a real change in the black’s lives.
The scary question to ask would be: “Do you vote?” So many people look normal from the exterior, but are completely void on the inside. That scares the hell out of me. Mental Zombies.