The Shocking Reason Why Republicans Won’t Vote To Defund Planned Parenthood

Have you ever stopped to think about why we haven’t defunded Planned Parenthood yet?

One of the craziest things to me is that when Republicans controlled both the House and the Senate, more wasn’t done to forward a conservative agenda more.

Senator Rand Paul said that when it comes down to it, the Republicans are just playing a game.

Here’s what Paul said,

Last year, I tried to attach to a spending bill a prohibition to have any money spent by Planned Parenthood.

You know what happened? [GOP leadership] sat me down and one of the senior Republican senators said, ‘We cannot have the vote today.’

I said, ‘Why?’

He said, ‘We might win.’

Isn’t that the goal? It should be anyway.

The Daily Wire reported,

According to Paul, when he challenged this unnamed individual as to why the GOP would not fight to protect unborn life as promised, the person just smiled.

“What does this mean? Does this mean that passing your spending bill, getting the Democrats to vote for your spending bill, is more important than life?” Rand Paul said he asked the person. “Then he just smiled.”

Speaking to the crowd of mostly Evangelical Christians, all of whom were horrified to hear this news, Rand Paul lamented that D.C. has “Republicans that are more concerned with spending money than protecting the unborn.”

The Republicans have had the opportunity to vote on a measure to defund Planned Parenthood which would save thousands of lives, and instead failed to do so.

I’ll end this with a brief excerpt from Matt Walsh:

A pro-life party wouldn’t need any encouragement to defund the abortion industry. It would get the job done on the first day and then it would move on to passing legislation that offers more direct protections to the unborn. The Republican Party, despite all the power it was given, did neither of those things.

Why? Well, it’s always the same ingredients with Republicans: cowardice and dishonesty. They are cowards because they fear the tidal wave of impotent outrage that would come their way if they ever actually did anything pro-life. They are dishonest because, contrary to the unconvincing talking points they spew, they don’t really want abortion banned or funding cut off. If they ever solved the problem, they wouldn’t be able to use the problem in their campaign speeches. I do not know how most of them personally feel about abortion itself, but it’s quite clear that they love the issue of abortion. They know that no matter how often they betray us, we will keep coming back, keep giving them our support, always with the desperate and pitiful hope that they will actually do something for a change.


Photo Credit: Charlotte Cooper

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