Texas Lawmaker Gives Strong Statement Against Anti-Gun Left

Texas Representative Matt Schaefer gave a rebuke to gun-hating liberals as well as the media that would leave a mark if it were a spanking.

Schaefer said in a series of statements on Twitter:

“Do something!” is the statement we keep hearing. As an elected official with a vote in Austin, let me tell you what I am NOT going to do.

I am NOT going to use the evil acts of a handful of people to diminish the God-given rights of my fellow Texans. Period. None of these so-called gun-control solutions will work to stop a person with evil intent.

I say NO to “red flag” pre-crime laws. NO to universal background checks. NO to bans on AR-15s, or high capacity magazines. NO to mandatory gun buybacks.

What can we do? YES to praying for victims. YES to praying for protection. YES to praying that God would transform the hearts of people with evil intent. YES to fathers not leaving their wives and children. YES to discipline in the homes.

YES to supporting our public schools. YES to giving every law-abiding single mom the right to carry a handgun to protect her and her kids without permission from the state, and the same for all other law-abiding Texans of age.

YES to your God-given, constitutionally protected rights. YES to God, and NO to more government intrusions.

New laws that loosen gun restrictions went into effect this week. The laws are designed to loosen restrictions on gun control and actually help protect our schools better.

  • Allow licensed gun owners to have their firearms in their cars on school property
  • Allow for school districts to have more school marshals
  • Allow for some foster homes to be able to have firearms
  • Ban homeowners or landlords of rental property from prohibiting residents from having firearms
  • Prohibit residents from being charged with a crime for carrying a handgun during a disaster
  • Allow people to carry weapons in places of worship

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  • This is all very logical, well thought out and sensible. I would also add one more item. Enforce the laws already on the books. Put criminals in prison for their deeds. Since their parents didn’t teach them right from wrong when they were younger, do so now with stiff prison sentences or the death penalty now. However, do you really think you’ll get the liberals to agree will any of this. They care more for the criminals of this country, the illegal aliens, the attempt to overthrow our president than they do about honest, law abiding citizens.

    • You forgot that in the 1980’s IT WAS THE GOVERNMENT that started talking the Parents RIGHTS away from them and HAD DHS INFORCED THEM BY TAKING THE CHILDREN AWAY FROM THE PARENTS.
      Example: My Son and His Wife took their 2 Month old Daughter to the Pediatrician, Who they had been calling for two weeks to get an Appointment, and he said that she had a Summer Cold. They Stopped at a Fire Station on the way and had the Parametrics look at her because she was starting to have trouble BREATHING. The Paramedics gave her Oxygen and Transported her to the Nearest Hospital where the Doctor’s got her Stabilized and had Her Transported to Children’s Hospital. It was the wrong time of the Year for RSV, but that is what the Hospital said she had. DHS was called in by the Hospital and my Granddaughter was taken away from my Son and his Wife because the Pediatrician was wrong and DHS Decided that My Son and His Wife were BAD PEOPLE…
      Tell me what my Son and His Wife did wrong.

      • What was done was more than wrong. It was probably illegal. However, one case doesn’t prove parent’s have no rights.

        That’s an overstatement of a real problem. Government interference in our lives is a serious issue. So we must be accurate and insistent.

  • Say no to illegal aliens, they can not carry a firearm, not until they become citizens, then the rights of a citizen become effective.. this will incentivize illegals to do the work of becoming citizens, not sit back in the shadows and bootleg for cash work.. they must integrate into our society as legal, crime free, English speaking, self sustaining citizens of the USA before enjoying all the privileges of our constitution.

  • Good guys with guns! How many times does it have to be proved to malignant, one world, liberal Democrat Socialist Communist traitor cowards??

  • The term “buy back” is a loaded false term. How can a government “buy back” what they never owned in the first place?…

  • Any “ ANY” Firearm Law restriction’s” are Not Legal. SHALL “NOT” Be Restricted! You Communist MF Want mine? Come get-em! Bring Friends willing to fight and Die, taking them! From my Cold Dead Hands!

  • VOTE in November like your FREEDOM depends on it….. because IT DOES….

    Trump 2020 …. Republicans 2020 …..

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