She Suckerpunched A Cheerleader Who Was Trying To Avoid A Fight, Then Got Hit With An Epic Dose Of…

A California cheerleader did everything she could to avoid fighting, but after a bully punched her in the face, she turned the tables and trounced the girl. A video of the confrontation was posted to Twitter by Sierra Sprague, who is the sister of the cheerleader that defended herself.

It was an ordinary evening for a high school cheerleader sitting with her friends until she was approached by another girl looking to start a fight. A conversation turned into an all-out brawl.

The cheerleader in the video below is Sierra’s sister Savannah.

“Nobody wants to fight,” Savannah can be heard telling the other girl. “Get your finger out of my face.”

The girl pointing asks what she’s going to do about it. Savannah states, “I’m not going to fight, because I don’t want to fight you.”

At this point, the girl standing engages in a slight push, but Savannah responds by saying “don’t f*cking touch me.”

That’s when the girl standing takes a full swing and hits Savannah in the face. The cheerleader then stands up, fights back, and an all-out brawl ensues in which both girls are either punching, kicking, pulling hair, or rolling on the ground.

Eventually, the brutal fight was broken up by bystanders and the bully walked away from the cheerleaders.

Now, I don’t condone violence and think that violence is definitely not the answer to any situation, but I am going with the cheerleader on this one. She clearly told the bully numerous times that she didn’t want to fight and asked her not to touch her. But no, what does the bully do? She physically attacks her. Honestly, the bully deserved it.

“So my little sister got in a fight tonight and i don’t think i’ve ever been more proud with her phone in her hand & everything lmao,” Sierra Sprague wrote on Twitter. “THATS MY MF SISTER LETS GOOOOOOO.”

She also threatened, in a separate tweet “let somebody else lay a hand on her and you gonna get rocked by me too.”

This video has more than 8 million views and contains language and violence that may be considered not safe for work.

Watch the video below:

Source: AWM

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