Seattle’s CHAZ Demands Redistribution Of Wealth From Their White Occupants

Seattle’s Protest Seized Autonomous Zone is going through some changes and sadly it has nothing to do with the police ending it. No, instead the protesters have decided to no longer be called CHAZ, and worse they are now demanding white people give money to their fellow black occupants because apparently that is what equality is all about now.

A protester inside the land of CHAZ picked up a microphone on Saturday to urge each of their “white allies” present to give $10 to any African-American person in the group. His tone was authoritative, but it was also derisive.

The unidentified man said, “I want you to find by the time you leave this autonomous zone, I want you to give $10 to one African-American person from this autonomous zone.”

“If you find that’s difficult, if you find it’s hard for you to give $10 to people of color, to black people especially, you have to think really critically about, in the future, are you gonna actually give up power and land and capital when you have it?”

Watch The Clip Below.

But that’s not the only change. The protesters realized that they didn’t want to succeed from the United as they originally seemed to claim. So they change their name from CHAZ ( Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone) to CHOP ( Capitol Hill Organized (or Occupied) Protest).

This is not an autonomous zone. We are not trying to secede from the United States,” one protester, Maurice Cola, said Saturday afternoon in a video interview circulating on Twitter.

Some sidewalks showed chalk lettering featuring the new CHOP branding.

A group of people entered the perimeter Saturday carrying large American flags. A melee broke out and some protesters occupying the zone tried to rip the flags from their hands.

It was not clear what group those carrying the flags were affiliated with, but some in the crowd accused them of being white supremacists or members of the Proud Boys, a far-right neo-fascist organization.”

Seattle is just letting chaos reign in this protest seized zone. It’s high time leadership call in the police or National Guard and shut this thing down. It’s right to peaceful protest, not the right to seize property and vandalize government property. If they are Americans as they say they should at the very least be following our laws.

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  • Wait till these Black Supremacists start taking by force the property of whites in CHAZ, or CHOP, or whatever they want to call their chaotic arena. Wait till they start injuring and killing whites who resist.

    Will the liberals once again blame Pres. Trump for the anarchy?

  • Let the white “snowflakes” pay the black thugs all their money in the utopia they have built….that has walls that they protested that we did not need….armed citizens walking around that we did not need….things sure have changed since they took over….HUH

  • Sorry, new name now as of 5:45am Monday – SHIT…… Seattle Hypocrites to Instigate Terrorism. CNN now references the movement as SHIT. WA residents: comply, fly or die. More to come following morning conference call with Comrade Maduro.

  • Sorry all, the new name for this utopian grand experiment is ‘SHIT‘ as of 5:45am Monday – Seattle Hypocrites Instigating Terrorism. CNN will now reference SHIT accordingly. WA residents: comply, fly or DIE. More to come following this morning‘s conference call with Comrade Maduro.

  • This makes the idea of “reparations” an attractive proposition, as long as it is coupled with mandatory repatriation”. We could have a new slogan: “No reparations without repatriation”…

    In order to properly assess our present “state of affairs, it is necessary to look back to those who imported our now useless “farm implements” and to put the blame where it belongs. Solutions must also be discussed for future implementation.

    The slaves that were brought to the “New World” were NOT the “best and brightest”, but were dregs from the various tribes that their leaders wanted to get (and be) rid of.

    Internecine warfare also played a factor in the slave trade.

    What better way for tribal leaders to obtain highly desirable “trinkets and baubles” while getting rid of those who were causing problems?

    Troublemakers, ne-er-do-wells, criminals, mentally retarded and just those who fell out-of-favor in their respective tribes were sold off, an advantage for the tribal chiefs.

    It was a “win-win” situation for the jewish financiers, ship owners and auctioneers, and those who initially needed “muscle” (farm implements).

    It was a “win-lose” situation for the future generations (and the rest of us) as we are living with this sorry, dysfunctional race, putting up with their very different “habits”, criminality, the need for instant gratification and other idiosyncracies to this very day, due to their very different DNA.

    In every case, even with the “talented tenth” who were supposed to uplift blacks and prove that blacks could succeed in white-run society, blacks have proven to be abject failures.

    Black inability to conform to white societal norms is proof that they should be segregated and eventually returned to their own African societies.

    It cannot happen soon enough. Let’s start with segregation and end with repatriation. We would all be better off.

    Even if it takes 14 trillion dollars to repatriate all of our “obsolete farm implements” it would be a bargain.

    “Reparations”, once received, would permanently ban any recipient from returning to the USA as well as revocation of U S citizenship. Recipients would be “bar coded” and “chipped” in order to enforce the permanent ban on re-entry to the USA.

    A “bargain” indeed…

  • Let’s ALL give generously to the BTAM The Back To Africa Movement…. This will ensure that all blm folks can get back to the Mother Country. All donations over $100 qualify you for the official BTAM t shirt.

  • How ‘black’ does the recipient need to be relative to the giver? Should lighter skinned blacks pass their $10 to a darker skinned person? Why can’t ‘black’ people get $10 the same way that the ‘white’ people are expected to – through work?


  • The only thing they understand and respect is a good ass whupping so bring in the troops and kick ass. Then give them plane ticket to go live in all the Countries that are so much better then here. And on the way out permanently revoke their citizenship because we don’t want them back!

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