Schiff On Political Death Row, Trump Demands Him Be “Questioned at the Highest Level for Fraud and Treason!”

Adam Schiff has done more damage to himself these past few weeks than he has to Donald Trump. Now he may have made a mistake that we won’t be able to undo.

President Trump was announced that he is pushing for Schiff to be questioned for fraud and high treason.

And he truly deserves it. Schiff has proven himself to be a traitor to Americans and especially to the president himself.

First of all, Schiff completely made up a conversation between President Trump and Ukraine President Zelensky that wasn’t even close to what was actually said.

Not only that, but he literally tried to solicit foreign interference from Ukraine in an effort to harm President Trump. Unfortunately for him it was actually a prank on Schiff, but nonetheless he showed his motives and what he was willing to do to help with this coup and take down Trump.

Listen to Schiff’s version of the transcript:

Now just compare it to what was actually said and recorded in the transcript below:

President Trump tweeted about Schiff:

“Like every American, I deserve to meet my accuser, especially when this accuser, the so-called “Whistleblower,” represented a perfect conversation with a foreign leader in a totally inaccurate and fraudulent way. Then Schiff made up what I actually said by lying to Congress”

“His lies were made in perhaps the most blatant and sinister manner ever seen in the great Chamber. He wrote down and read terrible things, then said it was from the mouth of the President of the United States. I want Schiff questioned at the highest level for Fraud & Treason…..”

“In addition, I want to meet not only my accuser, who presented SECOND & THIRD HAND INFORMATION, but also the person who illegally gave this information, which was largely incorrect, to the “Whistleblower.” Was this person SPYING on the U.S. President? Big Consequences!”

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