A district court has released court documents detailing the graphic text messages that occurred between Kevin Spacey’s accuser and his girlfriend on the night in question.
According to Fox News, Spacey’s defense wants the accuser’s iPhone, contending that portions of the text exchange were deleted to create a one-sided version of events on the night in question.
Here is the transcript of the released text messages:
Accuser: “Like he’s hangin around me in the bar. He got my number and asked me to come out with him”
Girlfriend: “are you kidding” “what” “sounds like he’s hitting on you”
Accuser: “i think he is” “He’s grabbing my leg and sh–“
Girlfriend: “are you trying to tell me something? Being gay is okay!!!”
Accuser: “I’m not gay” “But I think spacey is”
Girlfriend: “Hahaha” “Uhg literally so jealous” “Pls take a selfie with him at some point”
Accuser: “No I’m serious no” “Now” “He’s totally gay”
Girlfriend: “Wait what…” “For real?”
Accuser: “He’s grabbed my d— like 8 times”
Girlfriend: “He’s pissed I’m texting!”
Accuser: “I told him I had a gf”
Girlfriend: “I thought you were serious” “Taking advantage of my gullible-ness” uhg haha “Haha tell him the gf says back off” [emoji]
Accuser: “No I’m serious” “He’s gay” “He pulled my zipper down” “And he invited me to his house” “I’ll talk to u later”
Girlfriend: “What the f— is happening?” [emojis] “Have fun but not too much fun if you know what I mean” [emoji]
Accuser: “Jesus Christ he reached down my pants” “Help” “No this is Kevin ducking spacey” “He’s gay” “Hes buying me yet another drink” “Help me” “He’s gotten me so many” “I’m drunk” “Help” “Molly” “He grabbed my d—” “Keving spacey is gay” “Check snap” “seriously help” “I’m gonna get he pic” “I got the autographs and a hell of a stout” “Story” “Help me”
This is looking really bad for Kevin Spacey. Really bad.
Unless Spacey’s defense is right and that an extraction of the full data would indeed clear Spacey of any wrongdoing. Maybe he actually consented to whatever transpired.
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