Psaki Makes A Shocking Confession

You’d think that we would be prioritizing the evacuation of Americans out of Afghanistan. But that’s not the case, in fact, we have evacuated far more Afghanis allies than Americans so far. And now Press Secretary Jen Psaki, during a recent Press Briefing, admitted that they are not going to be able to get every American out. So she is admitting they are planning to strand Americans…

Reporter: “Okay.  Say, after the withdrawal — it’s done; the U.S. declared it’s done; everyone is out — if one U.S. citizen was suddenly discovered, you know, saying, “Hey, I really want to get out and I’m stuck” — who knows where; somewhere in Afghanistan or in Kabul, (inaudible) got any problem — would this trigger a diplomatic, military, all-hands-on-deck-type thing to get that person out, whatever the date?”

MS. PSAKI: “Our commitment continues to be to U.S. citizens: If they want to leave, we will help get them out.”

Reporter: “No matter what the date?”

MS. PSAKI: ” Again, we expect there could be some, but I don’t — I’m not going to get into it further.”

Watch The Clip Below. 

But it’s ok because the CIA has a clandestine mission to get Americans out of Afghanistan.

The CIA has reportedly launched clandestine operations to rescue Americans who remain in Afghanistan, as the U.S. works to evacuate all personnel from the country before President Biden’s self-imposed deadline of Aug. 31.

The Wall Street Journal reported that the CIA in recent days has begun covert operations to get Americans in and outside of Kabul out of the country, according to the U.S. and other officials.

The operations are reportedly utilizing American military helicopters and ground troops, but they are still under the CIA’s jurisdiction, which is common for such missions.”

I guess the CIA is a little rusty on the lingo, as there is nothing hidden about this operation now that they have announced it…So now we will see if the CIA and the few troops we have left on the ground, can get everyone out by the 31st. But I doubt it.

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