I don’t believe it’s any secret that Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is not a fan of President Trump nor a supporter of the southern border wall.
The biggest problem that the Congressional Democrats cite is that supposedly the border wall is an “immoral” act. Don’t be fooled, this is just what they say. It’s just words, they don’t actually mean it. All it means is that they don’t want the wall because it’ll stop their growing voter base from coming over to keep them in power.
Well, now Ocasio-Cortez has made an idiotic comparison.
Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) says the wall is “a moral abomination. I think it’s like the Berlin wall”
The Berlin wall was built to stop East Germans from escaping into West Germany
The goal of the border wall is to stop illegal immigration and trafficking
Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) says the wall is “a moral abomination. I think it’s like the Berlin wall”
The Berlin wall was built to stop East Germans from escaping into West Germany
The goal of the border wall is to stop illegal immigration and trafficking pic.twitter.com/MbFWitkFBi
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) February 18, 2019
According to The Blaze,
The opinion that a border wall is immoral is shared by others in the Democratic Party, such as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and former Rep. Beto O’Rourke of Texas. That stance is also quite dubious, considering how much border wall/fencing has existed for a long time without so much as a word from anyone about immorality.
Ocasio-Cortez comparing the southern border wall to the Berlin Wall is a joke, and it just goes to show (AGAIN) how little show knows about anything whatsoever.
The Berlin Wall was used to prevent citizens from escaping from East Germany. The wall that President Trump and the majority of Americans want is to prevent immigrants from coming into the country by any other means other than through the legal ports of entry. The goal is to stop ILLEGAL immigrants from coming here ILLEGALLY to do ILLEGAL things like kill people, rape, sell drugs, trafficking sex slaves, etc. When someone is starting their time in our country by doing something illegally, that’s not a good foundation from which to build off of.
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