NY “Couple” Are Suing To Decriminalize Taboo Act

We are definitely living in an odd time and Biden is only exacerbating it by allowing transwomen into female locker rooms. But his attack on female privacy has opened a door to embolden even more taboo situations. A New York couple is suing to decriminalize consensual incest…And with the way things are going, they might win.

A New Yorker who wants to marry their own adult offspring is suing to overturn laws barring the incestuous practice, calling it a matter of “individual autonomy.”

The pining parent seeks to remain anonymous because their request is “an action that a large segment of society views as morally, socially and biologically repugnant,” according to court papers.

“Through the enduring bond of marriage, two persons, whatever relationship they might otherwise have with one another, can find a greater level of expression, intimacy, and spirituality,” the parent argues in the Manhattan federal court claim filed April 1.

Legal papers give only the barest picture of the would-be newlyweds, failing to identify their gender, ages, hometowns, or the nature of their relationship.

“The proposed spouses are adults,” the filing says. “The proposed spouses are biological parent and child. The proposed spouses are unable to procreate together.”

Incest is a third-degree felony under New York law, punishable by up to four years behind bars, and incestuous marriages are considered void, with the spouses facing a fine and up to six months in jail.”

This case is still new, so nothing has happened beyond the filing, but normally, you’d think this would be thrown out right away. But Biden is now allowing boys, who think they are girls, into girls’ lockerrooms and Gov Newsom is allowing prisoners to choose the facility of their choice, based solely on the gender they identify as. So New York might allow it. I mean Liberals are constantly changing the meaning of marriage to point that soon people may actually marry their work… I wish this was satire.

This is going to lead to twisted parents grooming their kids and taking away any chance at actual happiness. If they allow this “couple,” it sets precedent for another couple that could reproduce. Incest is known to cause birth defects and IQ issues with. We can only hope the New York Liberals make a good decision for once.

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