New York Is Releasing 125,000 Criminals Give Them Tax-Funded Housing

The State of New York is set to release 125,000 criminals next year and will be providing them with free housing, and free job training services. I say free, but by free we all know that means that it’s funded by tax payers.

According to Breitbart,

In total, at least 125,000 accused criminals are likely to be released from prison in New York City every year, according to an analysis by the John Jay College of Criminal Justice. Those are at least 125,000 accused criminals who, even if charged with criminally negligent homicide, would be released from prison the same day they were arrested.

Of those 125,000 released accused criminals, New York City will provide taxpayer-funded subsidized housing, job training, and family counseling to 10,000 each year. The scheme, called the “Atlas” program, will cost New York City taxpayers tens of millions of dollars each year.

Among the charges that people are being released for are:

Second-degree manslaughter
Aggravated vehicular assault
Third-degree assault
Promoting an obscene sexual performance by a child
Possessing an obscene sexual performance by a child
Promoting a sexual performance by a child
Failure to register as a sex offender
Making terroristic threats
Criminally negligent homicide
Aggravated vehicular homicide

This isn’t the only thing that this type of behavior does is incentivize criminals to keep doing what they’re doing. When you reward wickedness, why would they possibly change? They know that they can do whatever they want and all that’s going to happen to them is that they’re going to get a ton of tax-funded benefits.

This isn’t the only thing that New York has done.

Mayor Bill de Blasio came to the defense of a city program that critics say will reward criminal behavior.

The incentive program would give accused criminals – being released from jail under the city’s new cashless bail policy – things like New York Mets tickets and gift cards for showing up to court. (CBS)

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