Virginia School Forces Teachers To Obey LGBTQ Demands

These days there is a lot of controversy around schools, whether it be CRT or this trans movement. They are both liberal movements that are being embraced in blue states and fought in red states. The way things are going education is going to be very different depending on what state you are raised in. So now it looks like Virginia has bent the knee to the LGBTQ in Loudon County. The School board there recently passed a policy that will force teachers to abide by the demands of hormonal teens confused about their gender.

Parents were only able to watch the school board meeting remotely, unable to speak their minds or voice concerns about these major changes. The measure was passed in a 7-2 vote.”

The Policy:

LCPS staff shall allow gender-expansive or transgender students to use their chosen name and gender pronouns that reflect their gender identity without any substantiating evidence, regardless of the name and gender recorded in the student’s permanent educational record. School staff shall, at the request of a student or parent/legal guardian, when using a name or pronoun to address the student, use the name and pronoun that correspond to their gender identity.”

And now they can use whatever bathroom or locker room they want. The privacy of biological females be damned.

Students should be allowed to use the facility that corresponds to their gender identity. While some transgender students will want that access, others may want alternatives that afford more privacy.”

In other news, homeschooling has become increasingly more popular… This is just messed up. If your official name in the school records is Kyle, then guess what the teacher should be calling you, Kyle. Not Kylie, Karen, Mary, or whatever your new self-appointed name of the week is. And another thing, biological females should have the right to their own privacy. I don’t care what a teen claims his identity is, he doesn’t belong in the girl’s room or locker room for that matter. Why is it suddenly ok to walk all over women’s rights?

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