Nearly 20 Years Ago, Their Parents Agreed To A Very Risky Surgery, What They Look Like Now Will….

Researchers at the University of Maryland estimated that 40 to 60 percent of conjoined twins are stillborn. And just 35 percent survive beyond their first day, which is why Lexi and Sydney Stark, who was born on March 9, 2001, conjoined at their spines, are medical miracles.

Sydney and Lexi Stark’s parents were terrified after learning that less than 50 percent of conjoined twins ever make it out of the womb alive, when the Doctor was able to show their parents pictures of how the lower half of the two girls were forming together, rather than independently.

However, the sisters overcame difficult beginnings!

The best thing their parents could have hoped for was that their daughters would live to see their second day and many, many more after seeing their twins were born happy, healthy, and safe.

They might never be able to be separated, the doctors said, if it wasn’t fixed right away. But there were other difficulties as well. The babies were attached to their lower halves, right around their hips.

The parents have then questioned their decision to proceed with a risky separation surgery. The operation carried the risk of paralysis, Getting the surgery and risking the lives of their twin babies, or refusing it and causing them to suffer for the rest of their days.

As the parents were faced with a tough decision, at the end of the day, they decided to get the operation because they wanted their girls to enjoy the greatest life possible.

The Doctors were certain they could figure out how to make Sydney and Lexi‘s spinal cord and intestines operate. According to a 2001 CBS News story, shortly after the 11-hour procedure, the twins were moving their legs.

The girls were successfully separated during a risky surgery, and now, at age 17, they’re thriving.

Although they are still very close, the two have also had separate lifestyles in the years after they split up, the twins were recently featured by Megyn Kelly on her popular NBC show.

“We both are outgoing in very different ways, I tend to go for it first, then she will after me,” Sydney said.

And no matter how old these wonderful young women get, they will always have a very special, unique relationship.  If they are taking a nap in the same bed, they go back to their “conjoined twin” position!  They remain connected in ways that others simply cannot fathom.

When they were only 5 or 6 years old, in an apparently potent memory, the twins also discussed, “twin senses.” Sydney shared a story about one time she was receiving a shot at the hospital, and her sister was at home.

“I was getting a shot. And it was a painful shot. I was unbothered, and my parents were on the phone, and my dad was telling my mom that my sister was freaking out, and she was in tears and hysterics. I’m just getting the shot and nothing was happening,” Sydney continued.

Sydney and Lexi have a lot of life left to live even after overcoming all odds; These miraculous twins are living each day to the fullest and taking nothing for granted.

Watch the video report below for more details:

Sources: AWM, Sharesplosion, Yahoo







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