MUST WATCH! Elizabeth Warren Refuses To Rule Out Government Confiscating Guns

Wednesday night launched the first of a number of debates for the Democratic candidates trying to get their chance to run against President Trump for President of the United States.

Democratic candidate Elizabeth Warren was asked a question about gun control and she refused to rule out whether she would decide for the government go to homes and confiscate semi-automatic firearms from law-abiding Americans.

Ryan Saavedra tweeted, “Democrat Elizabeth Warren refuses to answer whether she will have the government go door-to-door and confiscate semi-auto firearms from law-abiding Americans”

Warren said that we need to treat gun violence like a virus because it is a “national health emergency in this country.”

In the past, she has had a lot to say about gun control.

“There is a huge difference between the guns of a sportsman or homeowner and high- powered assault weapons with 100- cartridge magazines. I grew up around guns and gun owners, and I will work to protect the rights of law-abiding citizens. But the law must reflect the reality that, in the wrong hands, guns can be used for violent crimes, making neighbourhoods less safe.”

“We lose 8 children and teenagers to gun violence every day. If a mysterious virus suddenly started killing 8 of our children every day, America would mobilize teams of doctors and public health officials. We would move heaven and earth until we found a way to protect our children. But not so with gun violence.”

This one will drive you crazy if you dwell on it too long. More lives are SAVED as a result of law-abiding citizens carrying guns than there are lost by them.

Also, a large portion of gun deaths are in the poor neighborhoods as a result of gang violence and crime.

I’d say if we want to preserve our second amendment rights, Warren is not the person we want in office.


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