MSM Tries To Cover Up Dems Part In Blocking Corona Relief Bill

Once again the MSM showed us how biased they are when they practically worked in unison to try and amend their headlines on a story about how the Senate Dems shut down a Corona Relief bill, because they wanted addons. So they’d rather leave Americans in the lurch. But the MSM’s masking of the news did not go unseen as the Washington Examiner kept tabs on how they tried to manipulate the news to benefit the Dems.

Numerous media outlets changed their initial headlines Thursday after reporting that Democrats blocked GOP-led efforts to provide further small business relief during the coronavirus pandemic, reinforcing the belief held by many conservatives that mainstream news is often geared toward providing cover for the political left.

CNN, NBC News, Politico, and The New York Times all changed their initial headlines and scrubbed away blame on Democrats, while CNBC (in contrast) kept its headline that reads, “Senate adjourns until Monday after Democrats block McConnell’s bid to add $250 billion in small business aid.”

“CNN published a breaking news headline that read, “Democrats block GOP-led funding boost for small business aid program.”…CNN changed it… to remove all negative implications for Democratic lawmakers. The headline now reads, “Senate at stalemate over more COVID-19 aid after Republicans and Democrats block competing proposals.” Well, shucks, wouldn’t you know it? There is blame to go around for everyone!

Politico did the same thing. Its initial headline claimed Thursday afternoon, “Senate Dems to block new coronavirus relief in bid for more money.” Its revised headline, however, now suggests there is blame to go around. It now reads, “Senate brawl derails fast push for new coronavirus relief.”

Then, of course, there is the New York Timeswhich reported originally on its live updates blog, “Democrats block G.O.P. proposal for aid to businesses, request more fund.” That has since been amended to read “As Economy Hemorrhages Jobs, Aid Stalls in Senate.”

And this is what the Dems blocked:

A $250 billion urgent request to shore up a depleting small business fund failed to pass the Senate Thursday after Democrats objected to the measure pushed by the White House and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

With lawmakers home and social distancing, McConnell sought to pass the cash infusion swiftly Thursday by unanimous consent with a skeleton group of senators, but Democrats blocked the effort because they want add-ons to help businesses in disadvantaged communities and an additional $250 billion in funds for other priorities.”

The MSM should not be covering up for the Dems. They made their choice to block the bill. They decided that they would rather mess around with the bill as opposed to passing it right away, further delaying aid to small businesses and the families that are dependent on them.

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  • Well of course the lame stream media is going to cover up any of their shenanigans – or is it malarkey these days? After all, they ARE the propaganda arm for the dems.

  • Bella Pelosi, better known as Dracula. Sneaked in a 1 billion Dollar funding for Plan Parenthood (The abortion factory) and other things that have nothing to do with the Coronavirus bill. Evil and Devious indeed! Never let a crisis go to waste is one of the Demoncrat 10 Satanic Commandments.

    Wuhan Virus Bioweapon AKA: China Virus, Coronavirus weaponized by China and their treasonous Godless demoncratic Commie party and cohorts Soros the MSM fake media, academia, Hollywood, crash the greatest US economy ever! And to take down the greatest president ever, President Trump!! Keep up the great work President Trump! 2020 and beyond! From the Patriots of a Commie free America!

  • The MORON MEDIA LYING for their PUPPET MASTERS in not News. They would rather die than lose their spot on the RECTUMS of Democraps. Were they to lose their spot that NASSIVD amount of WORTHLESS FECAL MATTER they have instead of brains would go down and then they could not spew CRAP whenever they open their pie holes and flap their gums.

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