Schools are getting out of hand when it comes to pushing their liberal beliefs onto their students. Liberal teachers in a Mississippi school told a student he could not wear a Pro-Trump Mask but then have been allowing other students to wear BLM and rainbow masks. They claimed the Pro-Trump mask was too political… But BLM and LGBTQ are not?
“A Mississippi high school administrator recently told a student to remove his face mask supporting President Donald Trump because it’s a “political” statement while teachers and other students were permitted to wear items supporting Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, Black Lives Matter, and LGBTQ causes, legal firm Alliance Defending Freedom said.
ADF said it sent a letter Tuesday on behalf of Northwest Rankin High School junior David Ferguson saying that on or about Sept. 30 assistant principal Lewis Bradford pulled Ferguson aside in a hallway and told him to remove his “Trump 2020 – Keep America Great!” face mask since it amounts to a “political” statement.
Ferguson complied, the letter said, because he didn’t want to get into trouble. But ADF pointed out that “apparently, other students and teachers are allowed to wear face masks and other clothing with political messages without reprimand — including messages supporting Biden, BLM, and rainbow masks.”
The letter also stated that dress code policy doesn’t prohibit Ferguson from wearing the pro-Trump face mask — only items with “suggestive, obscene, disruptive, or vulgar designs, pictures, symbols, slogans, or statements that cause a disruption to or detract from the educational process.”
The school has not responded as of yet but this is not an isolated incident. Across the nation liberals are flaunting their support for Biden and other liberal causes. But they are not getting anywhere near as much flack as conservatives are, likely because conservatives are far more tolerant and understand that everyone has the freedom of speech even if they are wrong.
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