McGowen Slams Bill Maher For Attacking Tara Reade

Actress and #Metooer Rose McGowen is not holding back. She recently went after her former Co-star and supposed victim active Alyssa Milano for supporting Biden over Reade. But McGowen is not done as she is now going after HBO’s “Real Time” host Bill Maher. Maher came out against Reade asking ‘why now?’ He explained that Reade should have either waited until after the election or before super Tuesday. McGowen saw this and felt the need to aid Reade and tell her own story about Maher.

“I’m not saying why not 27 years ago. I understand it can take victims years to come forward,” Maher said. “I’m saying, why not before Super Tuesday? Why not last fall when we still had a dozen other candidates to choose from? Why wait until Biden is our only hope against Trump and then take him down?”

“You waited 27 years,” Maher continued. “You think it couldn’t wait a few more months? That’s what I’d like to ask Ms. Reade. Why now?”

Watch The Clip Below. (Warning Maher Uses Vulgar Language)

McGowen’s commented on Maher’s Reade commentary.

@BillMaher Here’s a memory I’d like to share with you. I bet you don’t remember, but I sure do. I was so excited to be on your show & get to flex my mind instead of my face. Here’s what happened. All I can say, Bill, you got the face you deserved.”

“I was on your show Politically Incorrect in the late 90s- as the show returned from a commercial break, you leaned over to me & whispered in my ear, ‘my parents didn’t give me a good face, but they did give me a huge c—,’”

“I could feel your hot breath on my ear as an image of both your hideous face & alleged big c— flashed in my mind. Both turned my stomach. I’ve always wondered what you say & do to the girls that aren’t famous?”

Maher has yet to respond to McGowen’s accusation.

It sounds like Maher was trying to hit on McGowen in a super crass way. I don’t think Maher is going to apologize for this, his show was called Politically Incorrect… But perhaps he will tread a little lighter when it comes to Tara Reade and Biden as we are no longer in an era where people can talk freely with the MSM ready to pounce ruining careers over the slightest past transgression.

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  • Too bad that Ms. McGowan can’t prove that. IMO Maher needs to be cut down to size. Maybe Mr. Maher might consider that Biden didn’t have much following in the beginning. Maybe the indignation of Biden rising to the top and no other contestants caused Ms. Reade to come forward. Is Mr. Maher now engaging in conspiracy theories? If Maher did this to Ms. McGowan (and I believe it credible) then he should pay the price by being outed to the world. Fair is fair. JMO

  • bill Maher,as we know is one of those people that say do as i say not as i do.he talks dirty on his show with woman their has no respect for them if he did he wouldn’t talk like that come on.i know in his mind he thinks i can do it,it’s my show,he is really a scumbag,slim ball what ever you want to call him they go on his show because he’s a Trump hater.that’s all if woman think that’s right well good for them sell your sole to the devil himself.he will get his one day,just like that thing he said about house blank you remember. oh i didn’t mean it yeah right,but got away with it because he hate’s Trump,so if he hate’s Trump he can say and do anything he wants right.what a big hypocrite.HBO your a disgrace.

  • Attention all Fools!
    Do you think this is the only time that Fingerbang Joe has done this? Hell no. In Omaha, 2016, as FB Joe was set to give the dedication speech for the Buffett Cancer Research Center, formerly lunch bucket , now FB Joe, zeroed in on a set of 13yr old twins…pawing them, wanting to share his phone number with them and wanting theirs, basically all over them, before their father, who just happened to be involved with the dedication, as he was the chief engineer on the project, and not a slight man…ex college football lineman, put a stop to the bullshit and was going to pound lunchbucket, now FB Joe into the ground, but was stopped from doing so by the secret service, who said that they were familiar with FB Joes tactics, assured the father that they would protect his daughters from FB Joe, and that they have to do this all the time because he I saw such a creep, and that’s why he always wanted SS agents who were female to be assigned to him, and the assignment leader put an end to that after FB Joe would prance around nude I never front of them, and skinny dip in front of them.
    There are more instances of his Weinstein elk behavior out there, we just need to look. The media won’t do it, so we need to ask for people to come forth. How do I know this? I was there a short a guest of the chief engineers friend and saw the whole sick scenario played out. The kids mom tried to stop FB Joe first and finally got her husband involved. This sick bastard has a lot of real skeletons in his closet, but probably not as big a collection of porn as Clinton, and gay porn as obama.

  • I am sure when you are sexually attacked you wonder “WHY NOW?” Maher and Co, who think Biden is competent to compete with Trump at all are absurd. The international Biden Crime Family should be indicted under the RICO Act. This sexual assault is just another reason why Biden should not be in ANY office.

  • As you said, the image flashed in your mind. I’m confused which image that was, his c— or someone else’s? The comment was made on a show/set called politically incorrect. What else would you expect?

  • Democrats would have more credibility if they stopped lying. Trump never said to drink bleach. Blaming a president for a virus is wrong. He didn’t release it onto the world.

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