Man Dies After Hospital Refuses To Listen To Court-Order

This pandemic has really brought out the apathetic side of some doctors. Doctors at Rochester General Hospital in New York were so against the drug Ivermectin, that even after being court-ordered to use the drug, they refused. The patient 75-year-old Jeremy L. Carter later died. And Carter had taken the vaccine.

DailyWire reported:

Rochester General Hospital refused. Rochester Regional Health filed an appeal on Saturday, and a hearing was scheduled for Monday, Lewke’s report said.

Carter died on Sunday.

Attorney Ralph Lorigo, who sued Rochester Regional Health on behalf of Carter, told Lewke he’s filed dozens of lawsuits against health systems in western New York alone over the past few months.

“Every case I have is a person in a hospital dying,” he said, “what is the harm if a hospital is done with its protocol?”

Lorigo has already filed three suits against Rochester Regional Health to get them to administer Ivermectin, including Carter’s suit.

“Each of those times we were successful and those people went home. In this situation we sued, we got a court order and the hospital refused to administer the Ivermectin,” the attorney explained.

On Sept. 20, after exhausting all COVID-19 treatments, Carter was transferred to ICU and placed on a ventilator. Carter’s daughter, Jill Alvarado started researching other alternative treatments. She found the drug Ivermectin, which is typically used to treat certain infections caused by parasitic worms, head lice, and skin conditions.

WHEC reported that Ivermectin was recently prescribed to an 80-year-old woman in Buffalo who was in a similar situation. Within 48 hours after the first dose, she was transferred out of ICU and taken off a ventilator.
It’s odd that the doctors wouldn’t even try the Ivermectin here. Carter was only getting worse and he got a court order to allow the medicine. But I guess the staff couldn’t be bothered to properly care for him.

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