Looks Like Dems Found A Way To Turn Senator Manchin

The Democrats have been talking about ending the filibuster. They want the ability to streamline all of the legislation they have in mind and stop the GOP from stopping them. But Dem Senator Manchin has been a thorn in the Democrat party’s side as he adamantly refused to back any legislation that gets rid of the filibuster. But now it appears the Dems are trying to buy the Senator off as they have appointed his wife to a $163k/year federal job.

In an example of apparent palm-greasing, unusual even by Washington standards, President Joe Biden has just appointed Gayle Conelly Manchin to be federal co-chair of the Appalachian Regional Commission, the entity responsible for economic development and investment in its 13-state catchment area.

Her salary would be $163,000 a year, among the highest in the federal government. It would be only slightly less than the $174,000 her husband—and the Democratic Senator from West Virginia—Joe Manchin earns.

Her nomination is subject to Senate confirmation, but, as a matter of senatorial courtesy—and because of the rubber-stamp Democratic Senate majority—her approval is likely.

Sen. Manchin, of course, has emerged as the key player in Senate deliberations over whether or not to pass the aggressive package of radical legislation that President Biden has laid before the Congress.

The passage of President Biden’s and Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s bill to impose voting regulations. which would lead to weaker election security or the bill to borrow another $4 trillion for domestic spending, largely hinges on how Sen. Manchin votes on the filibuster.”

So now we will see if Manchin suddenly has a change of heart, or it was merely a coincidence that Dems are giving his family $163k a year. We can only hope that he has more scruples than this as the filibuster is our last defense against the Dems drastically reshaping our country.

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