Libs Have Lost It, What’s Triggering Them Now Will Make You Laugh

Liberals have the thinnest skin. They get upset about pronouns, biology, and pretty much everything under the sun. So it almost makes sense that they have found a new word to be triggered by, the word “triggered.” Massachusetts’ Brandeis University has put out a list of words they consider to be offensive and replacements to used instead.

Brandeis University has issued new language that they suggest be used because the previous terms were too offensive, oppressive, and violent. Among those terms to obliterate is the phrase “trigger warning.”

As alternatives to “trigger warning,” which is itself a term that was invented to make college students feel safe in class, Brandeis suggests the phrases “content note” or “drop-in” be used. “The word ‘trigger,'” they write, “has connections to guns for many people; we can give the same head’s up using language less connected to violence.”
In addition to “trigger warning,” the Prevention, Advocacy, and Resource Center has made a list of “violent language” that they suggest be removed utterly from a person’s vocabulary. The phrase Orwellian comes to mind, and likely they would say that, too, is an oppressive descriptor of their “oppressive language list.”
“Here’s a sampling of other oppressive words and phrases — along with preferred words and phrases — for your edification:

  • Oppressive: Crazy, Insane, Wild; Preferred: That’s bananas
  • Oppressive: Lame; Preferred: Uncool, disappointing
  • Oppressive: Tribe; Preferred: Friends, group, pals
  • Oppressive: Homeless person; Preferred: Person experiencing housing insecurity
  • Oppressive: Prostitute; Preferred: Person who engages in sex work
  • Oppressive: Disabled person; Preferred: Person with a disability
  • Oppressive: Wheelchair-bound; Preferred: Person who uses a wheelchair”

This is censoring at its finest. There is nothing wrong with any of these words. They are not oppressive, or even remotely harsh. Progressives are going to destroy the English at this rate. Liberal safe spaces are going to get down to grunts and body language if they don’t stop with this nonsense. And what’s really crazy is that people are paying to go to Brandeis University.

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