Liberal Teacher Says Parents Should Not Be Allowed to Make Decisions for Their Kids

A liberal teacher in Texas said that parents shouldn’t have a say in making decisions for their children and that teachers are the ones who should be doing that.

I don’t just mean educational decisions either, Anthony Lane, the teacher who made the comment said that raising a child is the community’s job and parents shouldn’t have the final say for their own children.

My first question would be, by what standard is a stranger better at determining what is best for any particular child?” Every kid is different and every teacher is different. What if that public school teacher is a conservative Christian who disagrees with the liberal agenda held by Lane?

Lane shared on his Facebook page,

“I am both a parent and a teacher, so I have what may be a strange view when it comes to “parental rights” and education being viewed as a customer service industry. Our society is very sensitive when it comes to criticizing parents, and teachers are often afraid of parents because they are given o much authority.

I believe that raising a child is the responsibility of the community, and that parents should not have the final say. Let’s be honest, some of you don’t know what is best for your kids. I have learned a ton about what is best for Ethan from his teachers, not the other way around.

Parents believe they should be able to storm the school in the name of political and religious beliefs if something happens in the school that they are morally opposed to. They forget that we make a promise to prepare their children to live in a diverse world. We are not required to protect the misguided, bigoted views of their parents.

If you want your children educated with your values, find a private school that will do it. The public education system is not here to serve your archaic beliefs.”

Let me start by saying that his next to the last sentence is absolutely accurate and this is the big reason why Christians and conservatives should pull their children out of public schools. Let the demons teach the demons’ children. Government schools DO NOT hold to your values and they are going to teach them to the contrary. And you think that you’re just going to “undo” what they’re being told day in and day out for 8 hours a day with you seeing them for half that amount of time?

But here’s another thing, nobody has more authority over one’s children than their own parents. They have zero claim over any child.

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