Liberal “Educator” Fights For Right To Teach Propaganda

The Biden Administration is pushing this divisive Critical Race Theory and luckily many GOP leaders have taken action to prevent this toxic theory from being taught. But progressives teachers are upset about it. They wanted to infect their students with this poisonous theory. Iowa teacher Megan Geha from Des Moines East High School in Des Moines took to Tik Tok to express her outrage over Iowa banning Critical Race Theory from schools. Geha is trying to rally teachers to fight for the right to teach CRT.

Geha on Tik Tok:

“This is what’s bullsh*t. Today is the first time our country has recognized Juneteenth as a national holiday and yet I am getting ready to go back to school in the Fall and My governor has put into place some ridiculous legislation that many governors across the country have put into place such as I can’t teach anything divisive, I can’t teach critical race theory, and I can’t teach about racial equity. This is in all public schools, colleges, and universities. So, teachers, in the past we’ve been activists, and after this s**tshow of last year, we really need to stand up and do what’s right for our kids right now. So, this is a call to action teachers. We need to stand up and fight for our kids, because this is bulls**t. We can’t lie to them.”

“The other thing that my governor has mandated for next year is that every classroom — it’s mandatory that we all have an American flag, and it is mandatory that we all do the Pledge of Allegiance every morning,” she said. “You’re going to be hearing from me a lot next year.”

Watch The Clip Below.

“Let me tell you a little about the population of my school. Fifty-one percent of my students are Latinx, and many of them are undocumented and many more have parents who are undocumented. So, when they come into my classroom and see signs that say ‘No human is illegal,’ they don’t need to know who I voted for, I don’t need to tell them. When my black students come into my classroom and see my BLM posters, I don’t need to tell them. When my LGBTQ+ students come in and see my pride flag, I don’t need to tell them. Because they know that I have used my critical thinking skills and have decided to vote for whoever is on the side fighting for human rights. So no I don’t need to tell them because they know I am using the privilege I was born with to fight for them. That I am an ally for them. So yeah, that’s not political that’s human rights.”

Watch The Clip Below.

Geha here thinks she is fighting for some noble cause. But she’s doing no such thing. CRT aims to make white children think they are evil colonizers and puts minorities on a pedestal. It’s reverse racism, plain and simple. But Geha is drinking so deeply from the liberal Koolaid that I doubt she even questions the MSM or anything from the Left. Geha is likely going to teach students CRT and other Liberal ideologies regardless of what is banned. She has definitely been radicalized by the Left and the last place she should be, is in a classroom teaching impressionable children.

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