Olympia, Washington, Mayor Cheryl Selby has been an outspoken advocate for the Black Lives Matter movement. She believed that all of the protesting across the country is for the best, that is until they showed up in her neighborhood, and vandalized her home. Selby has had a change of heart and now feels these protesters are domestic terrorists. Funny how that works…
“The black-clad group eventually marched up Capitol Way and into the South Capitol neighborhood to Olympia Mayor Cheryl Selby’s house. There, the group chanted “abolish the police,” and a person spray painted her front porch and door with “BLM.” A man with a flat, metal paddle-like object who was backed up by a line of cars told the group to leave, threatening them if they didn’t.
Selby and her family were not home last night, but her neighbors began texting her when the protesters arrived at her house.
“I’m really trying to process this,” she told The Olympian over the phone Saturday. “It’s like domestic terrorism. It’s unfair.”
“It hurts when you’re giving so much to your community,” she said.
This is not the first time Selby’s home has been targeted by protesters. Two years ago, during a May Day protest, protesters gathered in her neighborhood, spreading around leaflets and directing chants at her.
She feels bad for her neighbors, many of whom are families with young children who she said are now afraid that protesters will continue to come.
“People have so little grace for each other right now. We need to have more grace,” Selby said.
The group eventually headed back downtown, spray painting storefronts, street signs, lamp posts, and sidewalks.”
Watch The Clip Below.
This kind of behavior is all too common. People downplay bad things that happen to others until it happens to them and then all of a sudden they care, Mayor Selby here should keep this in mind next time she feels like speaking out in favor of a protest that has led to looting, riots, property damage, violence, and in some cases arson. Domestic terrorism is a fair assessment and she was in favor of it until they came to HER house.
Oh well, ya get what ya wanted. Keep supporting them.
Now where is any proof that BLM did anything to the Mayors house when nearly all the destruyction as been acredited to one group by Law enforcement, and that is BOOLOGA BOYS, who are a far right group, who are responsible for killing of a law enforcement officer and open admittting they intended tio try to start a civil war, and a few days later a militia group connnected to BOOLAGOO BOYS shot a protester in the streets. Now thi is in no way connected to BLM just some trying extremely hard to make them look like bad persons.
Vandalism is vandalism. Whether it was BLM or as you believe the BOOLOGA BOYS (never heard of them), vandalism at any level or at any time is wrong. But at least now the Mayor knows what it feels like to have vandalism hit HER own home. Doesn’t feel good, does it??? But what happened to her home was pennies and peanuts compared to the millions of dollars in damage looters and rioters caused to businesses and others in her State (that SHE CONDONED) and around the Nation.
Where is your proof that it was the Boologa Boys or ANY violent Right-wing group (they do exist) that did this? I believe you’re projecting in trying to dismiss Left-wing violence, including looting, destruction, assault, rape, AND murder.
By the way, the criminal spray painter was likely a member of Antifa as he’s white. In addition, the GROUP that marched to the Mayors house was a Leftist group. But go ahead and deny that.
As for the Boologa Boys killing people, the TWO killings were attributed to TWO people with TIES, but not membership to the group through patched they had. I’m not saying the Boolgoga Boys aren’t a POTENTIALLY violent extremist group, but your attempt to blame them for the vandalism is rather LAME.
However, do you believe the riots by ANTIFA and BLM in Minneapolis, Atlanta, and elsewhere were justified? I’m not implying that protests were unjustified as I believe the MURDER of Floyd was an atrocity that we as a people have to address.
Boy the drugs you should be on must be potent. Because you are suffering mass delusions. You really need to take your meds comrade.
Your ideas ,, like your spelling are BU LL SH IT .
KARMA is a B*t*h isn’t it… this is what she wanted.. chaos .. Why should she be left out of the chaos and lawlessness she has allowed to happen…
Different when they come for you
Life is Truly a “BITCH” when you Are one! How’s it feel to know NOW what it’s like to have the ANTIFA/BLM POS. After You? Still sorry your “white”? Rich-er than the payjamaboy basement whiners, damn, I’m really sorry for you!
“A conservative is a liberal who got mugged the night before.”- Frank Rizzo
Frank Rizzo,,,,now there was a GREAT mayor for Philly I didn’t appreciate him enough at the time.
I guess it just goes to show how liberal democratic politicians are all for the citizens homes, businesses, and lives be placed in danger to endorse an agenda by not their own. The mayor can march with and praise these terrorist until they do unto her what she praised they for doing to the people she is paid to ensure it isn’t done to. So all you little democrats with no business left, no jobs left and a city burned down go vote for the party who promotes it. Vote democrat but make sure you have you hot dogs and marshmallows ready to roast on an open fire. The rest of us who are sane will be voting Trump and republican.
Black Lives Matter does not care about Black lives : just looting and burning whenever a black man happens to be killed by a white cop. I have never seen any news about Black Lives Matter actually helping a single black life. All lives matter. Black Lives Matter is the black equivalent of the KKK. Only instead of burning crosses they burn towns.
Love it! When you let people riot and destroy everything in their path, eventually they will get around to you. Then when they attack you, your family and things you own, lo-and- behold, you awake!!! I hope these rioters and BLM and Antifa terrorists head to Hollywood! I would love to see some of these pukes being beaten as their houses burn! Better yet get up a fund to bus them there! F::k these elitists who want you to bow as they sit in their mansions! Nuff said!