Joe Biden Gets The Cold Shoulder From Obama After Endorsing Trudeau As President

Rumors are starting to swirl regarding former President Barack Obama’s relationship with Joe Biden.

Obama recently endorsed Canadian President Justin Trudeau in his reelection campaign which is set to hold a vote on Monday.

Obama tweeted, “I was proud to work with Justin Trudeau as President. He’s a hard-working, effective leader who takes on big issues like climate change. The world needs his progressive leadership now, and I hope our neighbors to the north support him for another term.”

Why is it that Obama is willing to endorse Justin Trudeau in Canada, but he’s not willing to endorse his ol’ buddy and Vice President Joe Biden? Is it because he knows of the corruption? Is it because he knows he’s lost his mind? I mean for goodness sakes the man was just talking about clipping coupons on the stock market!

According to The Daily Wire,

Now Barack Obama, who has long been a friend and ally of Trudeau, both in office and out of it, is breaking one of his cardinal rules — not intervening in foreign affairs — and throwing his support behind the embattled leftist leader.

It’s not clear how this benefits Trudeau, since Obama’s word is largely a celebrity endorsement at this point, and its unknown how much cache Obama still has among Canadians. It may help Trudeau escape accusations that he’s insensitive to racial issues; late last month, photos surfaced of Trudeau dressed in black- and brown-face for parties that took place in the early 2000s. Trudeau apologized for the costumes, suggesting that he was young and did not know better, but had a hard time escaping the fact that black- and brown-face weren’t acceptable at any point in the twenty-first century.

Obama’s endorsement shows that Trudeau can still court knowledgeable, woke leftist icons, thus assuring voters that he remains a paragon of progressivism despite his checkered past. And it may be working; just hours after Obama endorsed Trudeau, the Liberal Party was making hay out of his Twitter, using it to fundraise.

I’m sure Creepy Uncle Joe is feeling left out and let down by Obama, but he’s too blind to see why he’s been abandoned by his buddy. He’s completely unfit for office.

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