It Looks Like The MSM’s Brainwashing Is Not Working, Most Americans Are Refusing To Believe…

The MSM and Hollywood would have you believe that there are 58 different genders, with a whole slue of pronouns nobody has time for. They talk about them as if it’s common and most of America is on board with this madness, but it turns out that’s not the case at all. A recent poll shows most Americans only believe in two genders.

The large majority of Americans — 75% to be exact — still agree that there are “only two genders,” male and female, with 63% strongly agreeing, according to the results of a new Rasmussen Reports survey released Monday.

Eighteen percent of respondents, however, disagreed with the statement. The poll was conducted Dec. 21-22 and interviewed 1,000 American adults.

“The lopsided results could catch some observers by surprise considering the onslaught of lecturing Americans have received from the progressive left regarding gender identity issues in the U.S. over the past several years.”

Yet despite the progressive push, majorities in every political category — including Democrats, Republicans, and independents — agreed that there are only two genders. Nearly 50% of Democrats and 60% of independents said they strongly agreed with the statement.”

The general unison continued from there into the particular hot-button issue of counseling schoolchildren about gender identity without parental consent.

The Rasmussen survey reportedly found that a hefty 80% of Republicans, 54% of Democrats, and 72% of those unaffiliated with either major party were “opposed to schools counseling children on gender identity without informing parents.” Taken together, 68% of respondents said they were opposed to counseling without parental knowledge.”

It is great news that America, for the most part, has not fallen for the MSM’s irrational B.S. It is crazy that we have started to allow the confused to dictate how science and society work. We should not be allowing men who claim to be women to play on female teams and ruin their chances of winning, it’s just not fair. But for whatever reason, we are allowing less than 5% of the population tell us that women’s rights are less important than the rights of men who claim to be women when most of us know better.

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