Ilhan Omar Calls Muslims To “Raise Hell”, Then Blames Trump For Violence

How long is Ilhan Omar going to get away with saying all the things she says?

She spews anti-Semitic hate speech. So much so that Congress had to pass a bill to keep her from doing it again!

Omar has said so many anti-Semitic things recently that hundreds of protestors came out to demonstrate outside of the event.

Guess what she had the audacity to say about the demonstrators…

“I don’t think any of them realize that people like myself and many of the people in this room could care less about what they have to say.”

These are people who have been offended by her hateful anti-Semitic rhetoric and all she can say is she doesn’t care what they have to say?

While at this event that was being protested outside, Omar made a speech and said some shocking words, though it is to be expected from her nowadays knowing her past.

Now she’s inciting Muslims to violence.

“I say raise hell, make people uncomfortable. Because here’s the truth. For far too long, we have lived with the discomfort of living as second class citizens, and frankly I’m tired of it and every single Muslim in this country should be tired of it.

We finally have a leader, a world leader, in the White House who publicly says ‘Islam hates us,’ who fuels hate against Muslims, who think it is OK to speak about a faith and a whole community in a way that is dehumanizing, vilifying, and doesn’t understand — or at least makes us think he doesn’t understand — the consequences his words might have.

Some people, like me, know that [Trump] understands the consequences. He knows that there are people that he can influence to threaten our lives, to diminish our presence.”

Check it out for yourself. Hear the words from her very own hateful mouth in the two video clips below:

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