Schumer Called To Resign After Being Outed As A Hypocrite In High Profile Case

Chuck Schumer has never been known for being consistent in his political career. He’s the type of guy who will say whatever he thinks he’s supposed to say regardless of whether it is consistent with what he’s said previously.

Schumer has been all over this Jeffrey Epstein case calling on President Trump to explain his former friendship with Epstein and calling on Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta to resign.

At the same time, he’s not calling on Bill Clinton to explain his 26 rides on the Lolita Express, Epstein’s private jet, nor is he calling himself out for accepting donations from Epstein over the years.

According to The New York Post,

Federal Election Commission records show that Schumer received seven $1,000 donations from Epstein between 1992 and 1997, first as a US congressman from New York and then when he was vying to be the state’s senator in 1998, an election he won.

Epstein — who was arrested Saturday and charged with sex trafficking and a related conspiracy countfor allegedly sexually abusing a vast network of underage girls — also gave $10,000 to Victory in New York, a joint fundraising committee established by Schumer and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.

Epstein gave an additional $5,000 to Win New York, a Schumer-associated joint committee that benefited the Liberal Party of New York state.

Both of Epstein’s donations to the committees came in October 1998 — and look to have primarily benefited the DSCC and the Liberal Party of New York, as Epstein would have already met the $2,000 limit on donating individually to Schumer.

Well, it just so happens that Mark Levin has called out Schumer saying he needs to resign from his position in the Senate.

Levin said on his show Wednesday,

“I don’t know what took place in this Epstein case in Miami, and I’m not defending anybody. This is a very, very, very serious matter, and we’ll see where the chips fall. But the Democrats want to turn a Democrat donor, a sick pedophile, into a Republican problem. They keep bringing up Trump’s name. Trump kicked his ass out of Mar-a-Lago!”

Levin continued,

“Schumer’s taken money from Weinstein. He’s taken money from Epstein. All the ‘steins. … Schumer takes money from all kinds of sexual predators. Perverts. I seem to recall he also defended Bill Jefferson Clinton, BJ. Bill Jefferson Clinton. He took money, and he supported BJ Clinton — so that’s three strikes. I’ll give you four. I told you the other day: Anthony Weiner. Anthony Weiner once worked for Schumer. … So Weiner, Epstein, Weinstein, and Schumer. So, ladies and gentlemen, I’m calling on Chuck Schumer to resign. Because apparently he has very, very, very poor judgment. I don’t care how much of this money he’s given now to charity. He’s all — I don’t know what — he’s all sexual-predator’d up, if I may say.”

“It’s amazing how the Democrats are trying to turn this into a Trump administration scandal. No, this is on them. This is their donor. This is their guy. This is their billionaire.”

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  • These treasonous hypocrite libs(lying sack of Schiff) don’t know the meaning of the truth! They are at it again and just as mentally deranged as the rest of the Globalists NAZI Muslim Commie Liberal Demoncrats! Deep State, Pelosi, Waters, Schumer, Hollywood, Academia, Fake News, Swamp News and you know the rest!! ‪Expose, Boycott, Sue, prosecute and bring to justice all these lying Fake News deep state treasonous Godless NAZI commie liberal demoncrats and RINOs (Mutt Romney, Grahams, Susan Collins, Murkowski, Bolton and you know the rest of the traitors) post-haste,Patriots! Drain the rat infested swamp President Trump!‬

    • All those traitors you mentioned reminds me of the German people who were gullible enough to believe Adolph Hitler, his Nazi Party, and his Nazi controlled News Medias, is exactly what members of the “Democratic Communist Party” (DCP) is doing to gullible Americans right here on American soil. When Nikita S. Khrushchev announced at the corrupted country club of the United Nations (UN), he said…. “You Americans are so gullible.” I agreed 100% with him because those gullible suckers are the ones criticizing our duly elected President of these United States of America and contributing to the “Democratic Communist Party” (DCP) without the intelligence nor awareness that they are being used just like it happened to the German citizens in a time of crisis.

      Those who are in doubt where the “Democratic Communist Party” (DCP) is taking our nation had better wake up quick!

      USAF (RET)

    • Democrats are Democrats, Über Alles.
      Hate, Inappropriate sexual relationship, Deceiving, Obfuscating, attacking women, Jews, Muslims, Asian-Americans and African Americans, Prevaricators, Racism, Lying, Ignorance, Bribery, Hypocrisy, Antisemitism, misleading, Plagiarism, Perjurers, Communists, all Democrat résumé enhancements.

  • Remember, as far as the “Progressives” are concerned the rules do not apply them. Especially, morals and personal responsibility. And to the “Progressives” the end justifies the means. Invariably the word “hypocrite” applies to all “Progressives”.

  • If the only prerequisite for resignation were hypocrisy, deceitfulness or lying, there would be no democrats left!

  • Has there ever been a sorrier bunch of a-holes than Schumer, Pelosi , Shiff, Nadller , Mad Maxine, and 2 other old a-holes that testified whose names I have forgotten now? What a great bunch to represent the democrats. And, can anyone name one sensible and decent democrat who could be a decent president?

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