How To Tell If Your School Is Selling Liberal Propaganda

In what must be the ultimate pander to minorities, Liberals are pushing Critical Race Theory in schools. Unfortunately, it is only in red states that you are likely to stop them. But even then Libs are not always announcing that they are poisoning the young impressionable minds of students. So in order to find out if your child’s school is safe you will have to ask some key questions about 5 core parts of the theory.

The first and most important bedrock principle of critical race theory is that racism is not an individual, conscious decision to be a racist or act on that belief. No, it’s “systemic.”

A second principle follows from the first: Behaviors and beliefs are inherent in identity categories, and thus the members of these categories must not adopt American culture—which, in their telling, is merely a conspiracy to perpetuate white supremacy. Members of minority groups must never assimilate to standard practices or norms, even those that appear neutral on the surface.”

A third bedrock principle is that white people receive unearned privilege at birth, while other Americans are denied it. This “whiteness premium” has prevented the union of the working class.”

A fourth principle is that meritocracy is a myth. Since whites have rigged the system, all the ways we use to measure merit or success in education or work are far from objective. Hiring metrics and workplace benchmarks, and standardized tests for university admissions, must be eliminated.”

The fifth and last tenet is that equity must replace equality. This may surprise those who think they amount to pretty much the same thing, but under critical race theory, the word equity has become corrupted and has become the functional opposite of equality.”

Luckily some GOP Leaders have already started to combat this divisive theory and have banned it from being practiced, but many American will not be as fortunate and worse some will even embrace this theory. And people said we were polarized before…

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