Two criminals found out the hard way that they picked the wrong gas station to rob when they encountered Arizona Marine James Kilcer. Kilcer made short work of the foolish criminals and received the Citizen’s Valor Award on Tuesday. He did so while making a very loud statement with his clothes. Kilcer was wearing a MAGA Hat and shirt that read: ‘Let’s go, Brandon!’
Yuma County Sheriff’s Office’s Wrote:
“Sheriff Leon Wilmot presented Mr. Kilcer the YCSO Citizen’s Valor Award “For extraordinary heroism and exceptional courage while voluntarily coming to the aid of another citizen during an incident involving criminal activity at extreme, life-threatening, personal risk in an attempt to save or protect human life.” The YCSO Citizen’s Valor Award is the highest award for citizens whose actions warrant recognition.
Last week, Kilcer told “America’s Newsroom” he takes his personal safety, and the safety of others, “very seriously.”
“I turn around to go and leave, kind of walk out and as I’m turning around I hear the door kind of open real aggressively,” Kilcer said about the incident. “At that point, the ‘spidey senses’ tingled a little bit.”
Three unidentified people entered the store with one-armed frontman leading the way.
“I saw two other guys with no other weapons and decided that’s the guy that I’m going to hit,” Kilcer says.
In one motion, Kilcer grabbed the gun and without hesitation hit the other suspects with a bag of his store purchases, which he said included two Gatorades, two energy drinks, and “a snack.”
“I was actually going to take control of his head and the gun at the same time, and the bag just happened to be heavy and attached to me and it smashed him right in the face,” Kilcer said.
While the gas station clerk was “a little worked up” about the incident, according to Kilcer, he jumped over the counter to chase the suspects.”
This is the kind of supporter Libs hate, a real American hero, who knows better than to vote blue.
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