Gunman in El Paso Shooting Will Face The Death Penalty For “Domestic Terrorism”

Patrick Crusius, the man who recently shot and killed 20 people and wounded a couple dozen more will soon be facing the death penalty for his crime.

The prosecutors are treating the shooting as a domestic terrorism case and seeking the death penalty for his actions.

According to the New York Post,

“The state charge is capital murder, and so he is eligible for the death penalty,” El Paso County District Attorney Jaime Esparza said during a Sunday press conference. “We will seek the death penalty. The loss of life is so great, we certainly have never seen this in our community.”

Patrick Crusius allegedly opened fire in the crowded Walmart Saturday. Investigators are now more certain than before that a racist manifesto posted online in the hours before the shooting was penned by Crusius, federal officials said.

“We’re going down that road. It’s beginning to look more solidly like it is the case,” El Paso police chief Greg Allen said.

The feds, meanwhile, are also exploring hate-crimes and domestic terror charges that are federal death penalty eligible.

“I’ve been in close consultation with US Attorney General [William] Barr. We are conducting a methodical investigation with our partners, a careful investigation but with a view towards bringing federal hate crimes charges and federal firearms charges that carry a penalty of death. We are seriously considering those charges,” said US Attorney John Bash.

“We are treating it as a domestic terrorism case, and we’re gonna do what we do to terrorists in this country which is deliver swift and certain justice.”

This should undoubtedly be the punishment for this crime. If you take one life maliciously, you should be given the death penalty.

How much more so should he be given the death penalty for killing nearly 2 dozen people? Know this one thing for certain, he will meet his maker and that God will see to it that this man gets what he deserves.

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