This is how we know our education system needs help. Anyone who has taken biology in High School would know a very simple basic truth that there are two genders. But somehow the LGBTQ and their allies think there are 20+ gender identities. So some of these radical thinkers have decided to reproduce and of course, are passing these outlandish views on to their offspring. Utah Native Mother Kyl Myers claims she was accused of child abuse many times after she decided to let her child Zoomer decide its own gender. Gee, I wonder why…
“I’ve received hundreds of messages and comments on Instagram and e-mails from people I don’t know, telling me my child should be taken away from me.”
“My partner, Brent, and I do something called ‘gender creative parenting,’ Myers continued. “For us, this means we didn’t assign a binary girl-or-boy gender to our child, Zoomer, at birth; we don’t disclose Zoomer’s genitals to people who don’t need to know; we used the gender-neutral pronouns they/them/their for Zoomer until they could tell us what pronouns and labels fit best; and Zoomer learns about and explores gender without stereotypical expectations or restrictions. Brent and I are just two among thousands of people doing gender creative parenting all over the world.”
“I do gender creative parenting for two main reasons. First, I believe gender is up to an individual to determine and does not need to be assigned at birth. I know a lot of people who are intersex, transgender, or non-binary,” she asserted.
The child did eventually decide at the wise age of four that he wanted to be referred to as a boy. Hopefully, the parts match the decision otherwise Zoomer is going to have a tough time.
This is another one of those trends that really needs to stop. Kids have no idea how anything works until they are older. This is as bad as the parents that get their kids on puberty blockers to help them look more feminine. Children should not be subject to these damaging social trends. If an adult wants to alter his/her body they can go to town, that is their decision. I just can’t see how messing with a child’s mind about gender is good for their mental well being.
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