Fmr Obama Campaign Manager Berates Bernie Sanders As He Takes Lead In Iowa

Bernie Sanders has been polling a strong second to Biden in most states. But it appears he has finally made some headway as he has taken the lead in Iowa. But the former Obama Campaign Manager Jim Messina is warning Dems to steer clear as he feels Sanders stands no chance against Trump in the upcoming election.

Iowa voters’ first choice among the Democratic candidates was Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) with 20%. Second place went to Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) with 17%. Third place went to Mayor Pete Buttigieg with 16%, followed closely by former Vice President Joe Biden with 15%.”

But Messina is urging Dems to vote for anyone else as he feels that Sanders’s stance would not stand up to Trump, especially with our booming economy.

If I were a campaign manager for Donald Trump and I look at the field, I would very much want to run against Bernie Sanders,” Messina said. “I think the contrast is the best. He can say, ‘I’m a business guy, the economy’s good and this guy’s a socialist.’ I think that contrast for Trump is likely one that he’d be excited about in a way that he wouldn’t be as excited about Biden or potentially Mayor Pete or some of the more Midwestern moderate candidates.”

Sanders’ campaign pushed back by pointing to news reports in 2008 saying that Obama was not electable. The campaign also took a shot at Messina, who now heads his own firm, the Messina Group, and was hired in 2017 to represent former British Prime Minister Theresa May, the leader of the Conservative Party.

“If he spent less time in boardrooms courting CEOs, he would witness the incredible energy generated by Bernie’s campaign, which has more than 5 million individual donations — the all-time record for a presidential candidate at this point in the race,” Sanders communications director Mike Casca said in a statement to POLITICO. “But please do make sure Jim gives our best to his dear friend Theresa May.” (Messina said May won when he worked for her.)”

Looks like Dems are getting worried that Sanders may beat their frontrunner for the second time in a row. Obama has already come out against Sanders saying he would back anyone but him. So this is no surprise as establishment Dems seem to hate that Sanders is doing so well.

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  • First time a Democrat has said told the truth. Sanders is a complete loser, appeals only to entitlement seekers and is a disastrous individual in all respects.

  • Here is why Sanders took the lead in Iowa. His largest donor group is teachers. I warned about this in 1998. The same teachers who were brainwashed in college and are now teaching our kids. So many great teachers retired rather than put out the garbage the establishment forces on them. The remaining great ones need our support.

    October 24, 1998

    Letters Editor
    P.O. Box 440
    Bakersfield, CA 93302 – Sent by FAX

    Dear Editor:

    I’m for labor unions, but have a real problem with public employee unions. There’s a “Catch-22” here, because public employees need some form of collective bargaining at times, but the power they exercise in the body politic has become a possibly terminal cancer in our society.

    When they run their own candidates or push the election of others, they are cementing the status quo and bureaucratic inefficiency into the workings of the community and nation. See what a horrible price our children and wallets have paid for the power of the now well entrenched educational establishment!

    One politician’s ad sneers that his opponent has a “0” National Education Association rating. That, for those of us who hate socialism from the core of our beings, is the highest praise one could reap on a candidate. For the rest of you, cry for your beloved country for what you are doing to it!

    Gerald V. Todd

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