Detroit Police Chief Fires Back At Rep Tlaib, Killing Her Anti-Police Narrative With Truth

Liberals are encouraging this anti-police movement. They are constantly attacking the police, slandering them with claims of being abusive or attacking innocent “peaceful” protesters. But this is just the MSM and Libs trying to destroy the police credibility in an attempt to bring our nation into a state of chaos, with their defund the police movement. Rep Tlaib came at the Detroit police with wild accusations claiming the police were harassing peaceful protesters. But Police Chief James Craig claims that’s not what happened at all…

Tlaib posted the following on Twitter:

“This is outrageous. Our city fought hard to have an elected commission to oversee abuse and misconduct by police. Detroit Board of Police Commissioners: I hope you understand the gravity of this, especially if not fully investigated, documented and addressed.”

And then posted the following misleading video.

But that’s only telling half the story. The Detriot Police released the dashcam video and explained that the officers thought they were being fired upon when the protesters broke their back window.  So they were only retreating to de-escalate the situation.

Chief Craig commented on the incident.

“Early on, during the protests, we were met with violence, not like many of our other cities that we saw across the nation. But I gotta tell you: For her and a few others, a minority to suggest that the police performed in an outrageous manner, clearly these officers felt they were in danger, and I’ve talked to a number of police officers; I’ve talked to the union; I’ve talked to community members over the last 24 hours; they support the officers; they can clearly see that they were dealing with a group of violent criminals, not protesters.”

They broke the police cruiser’s back windshield and could have been shooting for all the police knew. This is not a group of peaceful protesters. These police officers did their best in the situation to prevent it from getting worse and are lucky they left with their lives. The protesters were fortunate that there were not more officers available to start arresting them since many of them should have been arrested. This is just Dems trying to demonize the police, who are out there trying their best to keep our communities safe and struggling to contain these hateful mobs.

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  • The most concerning issue here is the fact that the Progressives are actively encouraging, empowering and even, in many cases, financing these rioters. They of course deny that, claiming they are supporting only the…Protesters…riiiight! Clearly they hope and intend that these, violent and disruptive actions will intimidate many to vote for Biden and the Progressives, who, disingenuously, promise Peace…BUT only IF President Trump is removed.
    Two possibilities here; These delusional Progressives either believe that these aggressive, destructive rioters they’ve unleashed of America, after months of free reign, will meekly just relinquish their control to the Progressive minions, OR, and by far the most likely, they are perfectly willing, and intend to exert any force necessary to eliminate them!

  • I do not blame the officers but the people playing in the streets. Didn’t their parents warn them of what happens when you play in traffic? If not they now know.

  • There is nothing wrong with the system there is however plenty wrong with the idiots who use violence to achieve their goal … wars are violent .. and these violent protestors have declared war on the civil authority established by our constitution and the law. If they get injured or “killed” in the process that is the consequence of their violent declaration. They chose their terms and the legal authorities responded in kind … I have no sympathy for these ingrates who think they can usurp the Constitution and law by using violence and are injured, maimed, or killed as a result of their violent riotous activity. Peaceful demonstration and Assembly does not “constitute” or support violence. Perhaps SCOTUS and the other idiots in black robes should rethink their stance on this issue. Allowing this type of activity is not, repeat, is not constitutional it is treasonous and a direct assault and a declaration of war on everything the USA Constitution stands for. Time to get the big guns involved (ie the military) since these violent anarchist have declared war in the streets of our cities.

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