The MSM has been trying their best to sweep the Reade accusation under the rug but unlike the Ford Accusation on Kavanaugh, there is evidence for this case. So Dems were pissed that their usually biased MSNBC show “All In” host Chris Hayes would dare even broach the subject. But Hayes covered it and is now facing an onslaught of angry Biden supporters that are demanding MSNBC fire him. They have even started the #FireChrisHayes on Twitter.
“The “All-In” host welcomed New York magazine’s Rebecca Traister to his program Wednesday night after she penned an essay, titled “The Biden Trap,” that was critical of the former vice president for not addressing Tara Reade‘s allegations in any interviews…”
“Biden has conducted dozens of national and local interviews in recent weeks, but has yet to be asked about the allegations. His campaign denied the allegations in a statement on March 28.
“What this is creating is a kind of a perfect storm where the women who are being asked to support his opponent are now being asked to answer for these charges,” Traister told Hayes. “In part because of the vacuum created by Joe Biden, who is not yet really directly answering these questions, and certainly, not doing what I wish he would, which is to say: ‘Please direct your questions about these allegations to me, and not the women that are out there offering their support to my candidacy.’”
“The man in question, the nominee, the former vice president, is going to have to address them,” Hayes argued. “And not have [former Democratic Georgia gubernatorial candidate] Stacey Abrams or anyone else, or [Sen.] Kirsten Gillibrand [D-N.Y.] do that.”
I get that Biden is practically the Dem presidential candidate at this point, but that doesn’t mean he is suddenly untouchable. He still needs to be held accountable for his actions and answer for what he did. Hayes barely scratches the surface here and just wants Biden to man up. And that’s probably why Dems don’t like it, it’s way too honest. I’m surprised they didn’t censor him…
I will say that the demoRats are true to form They make their own rules and then lie about it Like Mumbles Pelosi said she was satisfied with Biden’s reply only problem he didn’t So the lies and twisting of everything to fit their twisted minds Miss Low Life Pelosi and her little deals she had to have before our small business people got any help I hope she chokes on it or her ice cream while people were going without food She is despicable She needs to be deported to hell She stands and lies to our citizens and buys up their stock for nothing because you have to survive This is the speaker of the house She needs he worn out ass home and let people that care about our citizens lead I hate to say that because Pelosi does not have a clue about leadership If she would like to joust with me about it I will put my Marine Corps time up against her anytime anywhere This old Nag should have been put out to pasture about 75 years ago
She said that Joe is Joe. That’s Joe Biden. Really? That gets Biden off the hook and the lying Doctor Ford who had zero corraberation within any of the witnesses and the fact that she couldn’t remember where she was, how she got home. She was clueless and the public knows this was another hoax by the left. Now that this victim has multiple witnesses including her dead mothers calling in to the Larry King show and describing her daughters encounter with them Senator Biden. The whole hypocrisy is disgusting and this whole me too movement is a fraud, it is highly political and only goes after anyone not democrat. The left and the MSM are nothing but lying disgusting human beings. We the people need to wake up and hold them accountable come Nov 3. 2020.
Chris is right but He probably did not think they’d get him for telling the truth. He forgot that he is paid to lie and parrot the Operation Mockingbird words they put in his mouth. So he had a momentary lapse and reported the truth. It’s unfair, but Getting this guy off the air makes me feel good, and it shows that the Liberals make a habit of Eating their own
When the left is not going after the President they are eating their own. Quite a clown show.
Heaven forbid that someone would call out Biden. His wife said he didn’t do it, isn’t that enough? Why would she lie? She does all Bidens talking. I wonder if she was there? I believe Tara Reade.
I say, let it go until after the democrat convention.
The tolerant left strikes again.
Demonratz are Experts at Backstabbing their Own. He Must be on the Hitlery Clitoris Payroll – Gotta Clear the Way for that Demonic Bitch.
Patterns holding true, touchy feely Biden scandal and China which of course barely gets coverage and he is the presumptive Dem candidate for POTUS and Hillary and her position of “at this point what difference does it make” in Bengazi and using a private server for Gov’t emails scandals when she was running for POTUS. She has probably more skeletons than Biden but he has a closet full too. They should be indicted not praised. Good grief, there are a whole bunch of elected officials that should be in prison and a national security risk. All the foreign countries have to do is sit back, open their bank account and wait for our crooks in government to play right into their hands.
The democrats will demand anyone to resign for telling the truth.
Reporters should be sure to tell the truth all the time. Careers should not be in jeopardy for truth telling. Today many subscribe to the “Pelosi smear campaign.” Lie, get it in the news, then claim it is true because some dishonest journalist printed it in a paper or reported it on television as true. A lie does not become true no matter how many times it is told. However, they know that some people will believe the lie if it is reported on the news.
Hooray division in the Dems media, Hoorah do more Dems OK
What!? the 50,000 or so ppl who watch mslsd want him fired?