Democrat Admits The Role of Abortion Is To Kill Off Blacks, Submits Law To Exempt Black Babies From Pro-Life Law

Representative Janine Boyd, a Democratic state representative from Ohio proposed an amendment that would allow African-American women to still abort their babies in light of the new heartbeat bill in Ohio.

It this doesn’t display flat out racism, I don’t know what does. reported,

Abortion advocates tried unsuccessfully to weaken Ohio’s heartbeat bill with a series of amendments this week, including one that would have allowed only African American unborn babies to be aborted.

The heartbeat bill passed the state legislature Thursday. It would prohibit abortions after an unborn baby’s heartbeat is detectable, about six weeks of pregnancy, in Ohio. Because many women do not even know they are pregnant at this early stage, the legislation could protect almost all unborn babies in Ohio if it goes into effect.

But if Democratic state Rep. Janine Boyd had her way, the bill also would have given an exemption to African American women to abort their unborn babies for any reason up to the state’s current abortion limit, 20 weeks.

On Tuesday during a state House Health Committee meeting, she proposed Amendment 0291 to add the exemption.

This is no joke. You can read the amendment yourself, Amendment 0291. There’s not much to it and it literally says it on the first page.

Topic: Exemption for African-American women

Then later again on lines 5-7,

5 “Sec. 2919.1911. African-American women shall be exempt
6 from the requirements in sections 2919.192 to 2919.196 of the
7 Revised Code.”

According to The Daily Wire,

Black babies are disproportionately victimized by abortion in the United States. As noted by Wall Street Journal columnist Jason Riley, “black women terminate pregnancies at far higher rates than other women,” nationally. “In 2014, 36% of all abortions were performed on black women, who are just 13% of the female population,” said Riley.

“The little discussed flip side of ‘reproductive freedom’ is that abortion deaths far exceed those via cancer, violent crime, heart disease, AIDS and accidents,” he explained. “Racism, poverty and lack of access to health care are the typical explanations for these disparities. But black women have much higher abortion rates even after you control for income. Moreover, other low-income ethnic minorities who experience discrimination, such as Hispanics, abort at rates much closer to white women than black women.”

Additionally, looking at the reality that most Planned Parenthood clinics are located in urban areas, and Boyd’s amendment as examples, one could surmise that black babies in the womb are being targeted.

Slowly but surely, the Democratic party is and will continue to be exposed for what they truly are, a hateful, genocidal, intolerant, power-hungry organization bent on world domination.

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