Dem Senator Responsible For Kavanaugh Accuser Doubts Tara Reade

Senator Feinstein’s office is responsible for sitting on the Christine Blasey Ford’s 30-year-old accusation against now-Justice Kavanaugh. It seems she orchestrated the whole thing almost preventing him from becoming our Supreme Court Justice. Feinstein is now claiming that she can’t understand why Tara Reade did not come forward sooner… Reade’s accusation is eleven years younger than Fords…

CNN’s Manu Raju asked Feinstein her opinion about the Reade accusation and posted about it on Twitter.

Dianne Feinstein, ranking Democrat on Senate Judiciary, argued to us that the Kavanaugh situation is “totally different” than the Tara Reade allegations against Biden. “Kavanaugh was under the harshest inspection that we give people over a substantial period of time.”

And I don’t know this person at all who has made the allegations. She came out of nowhere. Where has she been all these years? He was Vice President,” Feinstein said. She touted his record and then said “to attack him this way to me is absolutely ridiculous.”

Why didn’t she say something — you know when he was Chairman of the Judiciary Committee or after that?” Feinstein rejected the notion of a Dem double standard and argued the situation isn’t “comparable” to Kavanaugh.”

It’s interesting to see how Dems change their minds. Back in 2018, Feinstein was much more supportive of supposed victims.

Just look what she said about Ford:

“During every step of this process, I’ve found every single piece of information from Dr. Christine Blasey Ford eminently credible, sincere and believable. She knew this would have a huge effect on her life and she was incredibly brave to come forward.”

And about victims in General:

“The recalcitrance, stubbornness and lack of cooperation we’ve seen from Republicans is unprecedented. And candidly, the dismissive treatment of Dr. Ford is insulting to all sexual assault survivors.”

The National Sexual Assault Hotline has seen a 57 percent uptick in calls since Dr Ford went public. How the Senate handles allegations against Brett Kavanaugh sends a message to survivors about how their allegations will be received if they take the brave step of coming forward.”

But I guess the allegations only count when they are against members of the GOP…

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  • Hey Frankenstein !…Where were you doubt of guilt when Kavanaugh was being accused by women with NO evidence …while Creepy Joe has had video instances where would seem to vindicate what his accusers are saying….I bet if old Joe was caught on tape you would still declare his innocence because he is a liberal….HYPOCRITE…

  • She is one of my senators but she is no representation at all She was one of the 41 senators that tried to push resolution 19 She would never answer my question as to what it was It to say that we could not talk about what they say It comes down to that group saying we have no right to dispute what they say What kind of people are these It is so bad you want to take our first amendment away when it pertains to them This sounds more like communists than it does good old USA Feinstein and Pelosi need to take a nice fishing trip on the Bering sea

  • What has to be understood about liberal reasoning is that the concept of choice is what forms the basis for the law, not that one’s choice must be informed and guided by the law. There is a big difference. What is egregious is the arrogance of ignorance applied by lawmakers with respect to partisan perspective on allegations of the same kind.

  • This pathetic hypocrite is a repugnant POS and is absolute proof that we need term limits.

  • Feinstein is an obvious hypocrite. It was all about politics then, and it’s all about politics now. There’s not a genuine bone in her body!

  • She is just following her masters orders. She bows to the Chicoms like ol Creepy Joe does.

  • Talk about hypocrisy. The key difference is Tara Reade reported her attack and her being attacked was talked about at the time. The people attacking Kavanaugh made up their accusations and the were exposed as fraud.

  • Should start as:

    Here is a proposed Amendment for Term limits – feel free to pass it along.

    Section 1. The Senators of the Senate of the Congress of the United States of America represent their sovereign State of the United States of America. In order to restore the republican form of …

  • Hypocrisy is her middle name. She declares that we don’t need any wall to protect our borders, while she lives in a WALLED, Gated, Guarded community herself.
    She wants to take away our firearms; “…turn them all in Mr.&Mrs. America..”. Yet, while she enjoys 24/7 ARMED Security, she still demands a Concealed Carry Permit, for herself!
    Makes it perfectly clear that the term, ‘Hypocritical Democrat’, is a redundancy!

  • How can Tara be believed? She has corroboration for her accusations. Democrats are repelled by corroboration.

  • Diane, how about telling the public how you and your husband Richard BLUM have made millions bn the sales of postal buildings years ago?? Made quite a few millions huh?? Glad my tax money made you wealthy. How about the
    Chinese spy chauffeur you had in your employ for over 20 years?? You are no more than a common criminal to accuse Kavanaugh and not believe Tarar Reade.. Do you have any shame at all ?? I doubt it !!!

  • Why hasn’t this Commie B…ch been charged and jailed. She withheld evidence and tried to get Kavanaugh dismissed by a phony who needed attention. Then, before the virus, her and her hubby sold off stock to protect their interests. If she knew a problem existed why didn’t she speak up? Just forgotten by the press and she gets to skate again. How stupid are you commifornians?

  • There are now court documents out showing that the attack did take place, so Frankenfeinstein, STFU and go away!

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