Cracker Barrel Is Being Forced To Apologize After Displaying An “Offensive” Decoration…

I love Cracker Barrel because of the fact that I travel a lot for work and it is always comforting to know that you can get the same food in one state that you can in another…

We have another “noose” scenario and the cry of racism, this time involving a Cracker Barrel Country Store in Connecticut.

The popular food chain was put in the hot seat after customers began to take pictures of the object and promptly post them all over social media. The location explained that it was an antique soldering iron and apologized for the implications of how the item may have appeared to the customers.

Robinson’s Twitter account shows that he is “progressive,” and promotes violence and vulgarity against conservatives.

Robinson’s post garnered some high-profile reactions from conservatives, like Matt Walsh:

“Nooses are not racist symbols.  They’ve been used for thousands of years for many purposes all over the world. But anyway I wish I had such a comfortable life that I had time to be offended by a cord at Cracker Barrel.”

Activist Keren Prescott also opined:

“Having a noose, or even having a rope tied in such a way that resembles a noose, is very traumatizing to see as a Black person.  We know the history of the country.”

Tamra Hawkins, a local Connecticut resident who has eaten at the restaurant, spoke of Cracker Barrel’s apology:

“I’ve seen the apology, honestly I don’t accept it.  I feel like they made an excuse, instead of acknowledging that it was a noose and it was placed in the store with a lapse in judgment.”

The fact that people are unaccepting of Cracker Barrel’s apology and the removal of an 80-year-old soldering iron from their restaurant display speaks volumes.

Nothing is ever good enough.

Take it down, then raise your fist in the air and scream, “Black Lives Matter,” and then give me a Cracker Barrel gift card!  For me and my whole family!

See the hypocrisy?  It’s not about racism.  It’s about attention, coercion, bullying, and cancel culture.

Source: AWM

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