Conservative Black Teacher: Liberals Would “Try To School Me In My Own Oppression”

Our Education System needs help stat. Schools have become nothing more than Liberal indoctrination centers. They don’t allow conservative guest speakers on campus and some have gone as far as to require diversity statements from incoming teachers to ensure that they share the same views. A Chicago area English teacher claims Teachers “are being forced to ultimately support the liberal narrative in public education,” and she is sick of it.

If you want to keep your job as a politically conservative public school teacher, you learn to keep your mouth shut,” the teacher claimed.

“Morgan Foster (an alias used to protect her) has taught English in middle school and, later, high school in Cook County, Illinois, for about 10 years.

Now in her early 30s, Foster says she has had about all she can take of the progressive ideology being promoted in public education.

“I definitely want out,” Foster said in a recent phone interview, adding that it is “becoming even harder to stay apolitical, or to come across as being neutral.”

“You are being forced to ultimately support the liberal narrative in public education,” she said of herself and other teachers.

“We are too far over the hill,” Foster said, arguing that public schools have “become indoctrination centers.”

Foster went on to explain how Liberals are passing minorities that by normal standards are failing.

“I had students tell me that they were still slaves to the system. They actually said that because that was being reiterated to them in their social studies classes,” she recalled.

The school administration created a separate set of standards for black students, calling it equity, but “it was not equity,” Foster said. “I would argue that that was the epitome of bigotry.”

Foster said she witnessed black students receive passing grades regardless of whether they understood the material or completed assignments because teachers held them to a lower standard.

The operative idea seemed to be that “‘these kids are not able to do what other kids are doing,” she said.”

Foster also feels if her colleagues ever found out that she was conservative, not only would she struggle to keep her job, her colleagues would likely try to convince her that she should be Liberal.

“I would even say that [my colleagues] would try to school me in my own oppression,” Foster said. “They would probably see me as though I was ignorant, like ‘Why are you, a black person, not part of our team?’”

Everyone needs to learn the basics and really Liberal teachers should be ashamed of themselves for having the mentality that minorities get a pass. Pushing failing students through to the next grade, regardless of race, only hurts the students. We need politics to get out of schools, it is killing our education system and creating a generation of liberals that can’t handle civil discourse since their schools have taught them to ignore opposing opinions.

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