The fact that Dr. Brady Lee is used regularly by CNN is understandable after this ridiculous tweet. Dr. Lee for some reason thinks Hitler is better than Trump. I guess Lee skipped History class. The doctor tweeted about Trump and quickly found that her bizarre tweet was found to be unacceptable by just about everyone. So she took it down and tried to explain that she was referring to how Trump doesn’t treat his supporters right…
“…The woman who is the president of the World Mental Health Coalition and a frequent guest on CNN and MSNBC where she comments on mental health, compared President Trump to Nazi Fuehrer Adolf Hitler, ranting that Hitler was better for various reasons, including that he “improved the daily life of his followers.”Dr. Bandy X. Lee, a professor at the Yale School of Medicine and the co-author of “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump,” tweeted, “Donald Trump is not an Adolf Hitler. At least Hitler improved the daily life of his followers, had discipline, and required more of himself to gain the respect of his followers. Even with the same pathology, there are varying degrees of competence.”
Lee later deleted the tweet after the public told her how wrong she was and attempted to explain herself.
“Okay, I have taken it down, since it has upset so many people and was not provoking thought but the opposite. Of note, my statement was about how little Donald Trump believes he needs to do to retain his followership, NOT to minimize Adolf Hitler’s atrocities.”
It is amazing that Liberals somehow think it is ok to compare Trump to Hitler. The question that always comes to mind is do they know what Hitler did? Because the way Liberals act, it seems like they don’t know that Hitler had millions of Jews killed in gas chambers. He also broke treaties and started World War II, so how is that like Trump? It seems like Lee’s hate is jading her ability to evaluate people properly since there is no way that Trump is worse than Hitler.
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