Chris Christie Claims Americans Need To Get Back To Work Before It’s Too Late

The Pandemic is still upon us and many States are planning on easing up on the lockdown in the coming weeks. But former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie claims that is not enough. He feels Americans need to get back to work right away and just accept that some of their neighbors are going to die due to this pandemic. Christie feels if we don’t go back to work soon there may not be a work to get back to. Christie expressed this during an interview on CNN with Dana Bash.

“Of course, everybody wants to save every life they can. But the question is, towards what end, ultimately?” Christie pondered. “Are there ways that we can … thread the middle here to allow that there are gonna be deaths, and there are gonna be deaths no matter what?”

When Bash asked Christie if Americans will be able to accept new projections of about 3,000 daily deaths from COVID-19 by June 1, the former governor said resolutely, “They’re gonna have to.”

Christie noted that if he were sitting in the Oval Office, he would tell the country that “the American people have gone through significant death before. We’ve gone through it in World War I, we’ve gone through it in World War II. We have gone through it, and we’ve survived it. We sacrificed those lives. We sent our young men during World War II over to Europe, out to the Pacific … knowing that many of them would not come home alive. And we decided to make that sacrifice because what we were standing up for was the American way of life. In the very same way now, we have to stand up for the American way of life.”

Christie went on to say that if these lockdowns don’t let up there may not be jobs for many to go back to.

Christie has a point here the lockdowns are not supposed to be forever. We need a balance and I would argue why can’t we have a little bit of both. Let’s end these shutdowns and get people back to work but enforce people wear masks and gloves in public areas where the whole six feet apart thing is near impossible. It would get pretty much everyone back to work with a few exceptions. Maybe just screen people for fevers when it comes to places where a mask is not conducive. This would make it so everyone wins and keeps our economy going.

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  • Amen couldn’t have said it better, and I am in that group alleged to be most vulnerable ( 84 years old

  • He’s right… Whether you like him or not…
    There are some folks out there dumb enough to think that restarting the economy is as easy as plugging the “Open” sign back in.
    Many busiesses? Especially sole proprietorships and mom and pop businesses?Will not survive this. Many jobs, millions of them, will NO LONGER BE THERE when a return to work consensus is reached.
    As it stands now, MILLIONS will remain unemployed through Christmas and beyond.
    And in the midst of all of this? The food supply chain is straining. Badly…
    Even if we collectively return to work and normalcy TOMORROW, we’re still at a 50% chance of sinking into an economic depression. And when folks are no linger able to RELIABLY feed their families? That’s when it gets violent.
    Remember…. The Arab Spring?
    Started as a food cart riot in a market in Cairo. It spread to 14 countries and toppled 5 govts. Hungry people? Become unpredictable people.

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