If you can’t remember exactly where you’ve heard the name Michael Avenatti before, let me remind you first.
Michael Avenatti is Stormy Daniel’s former lawyer. She was the porn star who tried to go after President Trump, yet she ended up having to pay him and his lawyers in the end.
Now, Avenatti is in trouble of his own and needs his own lawyer. He was arrested this week on charges of extortion.
According to CNBC,
Celebrity lawyer Michael Avenatti was arrested Monday in New York City on charges of trying to extort up to $25 million from Nike by threatening to publicize claims that company employees authorized payments to the families of top high school basketball players.
Avenatti also was separately charged in a second federal case in Los Angeles with embezzling a client’s money “in order to pay his own expenses and debts” and those of his law firm and coffee company, and of “defrauding a bank in Mississippi,” prosecutors said.
He faces almost 100 years in prison if convicted in both cases as well as possible disbarment as a lawyer.
The famously aggressive litigator gained widespread notoriety in the past year for representing porn star Stormy Daniels in lawsuits against President Donald Trump and his former lawyer Michael Cohen. Those cases were related to a nondisclosure agreement she signed on the eve of the 2016 presidential election to keep quiet about her alleged affair with Trump in exchange for a $130,000 payment.
But it gets even better. He’s not the only person involved in this extortion case.
Mark Geragos, another celebrity lawyer is also caught up in this crime as well. Now for the kicker, Geragos is Jussie Smollett’s lawyer!
The New York Post reports,
One of the alleged co-conspirators in the Michael Avenatti extortion case is a California lawyer and longtime CNN analyst “known for representation of celebrity and public figure clients” — including Colin Kaepernick, Michael Jackson and Jussie Smollett, a report says.
Attorney Mark Geragos, 61, was not actually named in the criminal complaint against Avenatti, but two sources familiar with the matter tell The Wall Street Journal that he is the “CC-1” that prosecutors referred to in the document.
I think this goes to show how low-down these guys really are. Criminal defense attorneys, in general, make their career off lyings to other people and helping others get away with crimes. It should come as no surprise when they commit a crime themselves.
Photo Credit: YouTube/The View
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